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406 Rvf Engine And Box

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How do chaps hope your all well, need a bit of advise von doing up a n reg 406 2.0l 16v rfv engine, so going to go through my idea and see what you think and any ideas or better suggestions greaty appreciated here goes

first thing strip and rebuild standard bottom end if its ok which oil pump ?

valeo clucth? with lightened flywheel, on about milling sensor ring off or it pressed on ? any other good places to take weight off standard flywheel ? (using carbs with megajolt ecu coil pack etc).

right head fill in injector holes make up own inlet manifold for weber 48 carbs i have on a kit car (looked for one already made but can't see anyone that makes them ?) also port and polish the head myself, fit gti6 inlet valves and gti6 springs (was it only these that had double valve springs), want to keep the hydrloic lifters whats the best and biggest cams you can use? was looking at taylor regrinds which look good but no pricing

do i need a 306 top engine mount and will that fit on the 406 big engine bracket ? had a look at the 406 engine mount rubber and it looks a lot shorter than the standard engine mount, i will measure it tomorrow.

just to note any ideas you have or anything that i have missed, remember it has to be a cheap mod as the shoe string is already got a few knots in it

i know you will all say lsd but no chance at the min just want to get it up and running then that will be the first on my list and a rear roll bar i'm looking at getting some 309 wishbones what year are the one the motor factors say there are 2 different ones for the 309 gti ?

Thanks for your time hope to see a few msgs come up

Edited by Stu71

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