this weekend or next im going to be doing alot of work to the front of my XS and i thought id torque everything up properly, although doing it normaly has never failed... touch wood
Any way i thought id post up the torque setting as when i searched nothing showed up.
I assume the settigns are for both gti and non, except where specified...
Front suspension,
Top mount bolts....................................12Nm
Shock absorber piston rod (the large top mount nut)
self locking.........................................45Nm
Strut clamp bolt.....................................58Nm
anti-roll bar clamp..................................35Nm
anti-roll bar end (non GTI)......................75Nm
Bottom balljoint clamp............................35Nm
Anti-roll bar guide bar.............................30Nm
lower suspension arm pivot bolt...............35Nm
anti-roll bar end (GTI).............................58Nm
lower suspension arm rear pivot bolt (GTI)...78Nm
Rear suspension
Shock absorber upper mounting......75Nm
Shock absorber lower mounting......118Nm
Anti-rollbar arm.............................35Nm
Torsion bar plug............................20Nm
Suspension top mountings..............45Nm
suspension front mounting pivot bolt....80Nm
All road wheel bolts.........85Nm
**on alloy wheels, oil the ends of the bolt threads over a maximum length of 10mm befroe fitting**
Hope this helps