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Dipped Beam Coming On When I Push Brakes.

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ok done the mi16 convershion everything is running and working good. all lights work and stuff but when i push the brake pedle down (with ignition on) the dipped lights come on and the clock (the digital time one) dulls on the dash. any ideas? im thinking a bad earth? im using the mi16 managment system. basicly cut the loom from under the drivers dash and connected it all up. could it be something in that black relay box? i also had to remove part of the center consol there are tones of wired behind that is it possible one is trapped wasnt doing this befor?


could anyone point me into the right direction. if i take my food of the brake pedle the dipped lights do go off. oh and the brake lights come on aswell like they should.


thanks a diagram of how that part works would be of grate help.

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Tom Fenton

Remove both rear brake light bulbs and see if the dipped beam comes on then when pressing the brake pedal.

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ok ill have to do this tommrow but what could it be if it does or doesnt?

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A wierd one this but you have the bulbs in the wrong places or the wrong bulbs so it messes up the earths so my mot man told me. your brake light bulbs should be double filliment,if they are single you need to change them. i would go around the whole car a nd check you have the correct bulbs in the correct places.







ok ill have to do this tommrow but what could it be if it does or doesnt?

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chrisj21 now u say that i remember when i brought the car and checked it over it was all find but the back brake light didnt work.. i changed the bulk then done the enigne swap. i changed the bulb for one i just had laying around a p21w i think it was. it worked fine and still does but yeah the problems happend since then really so i got a feeling you could be right i might have muffed it up.. so i need a double filliment then? thanks for the info in advanced its something that i will keep in mind even if it isnt the problem.

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When this happened to mine, it was because one of the filaments in the rear bulb had broken and bent across to form a circuit with the sidelight circuit.

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let us know how you get on regarding the rear bulb as my full beam light on the dash is on very dull and it mite be down to the rear bulbs too

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sorted you were right lol i checked the bulbs and 1 was differnt inside the bulb and i was like humm ok took both out and pushed down on brake peddle and nothing happend.. so ill get a spare tonight from my friends old pug cheers all you just saved me alot of searching and hassel.

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