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Be Box Internals

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Evening guys.


I stripped and rebuilt my box over the the other day. When i bought the car, i was told it was a 1.6 gti box. Ive since put in an Mi, and finally got round to takign box out to rebuild.


Reverse is next to first, and lift up. Which says BE1. But lookign on service box, its seems to have BE3 internals. Is it possible it could be a mix match ?


I hope these pics work...never put pics up, so sorry if there not thumbnailed and nuke the forum :)


This is the only pic i have to hand. I know its crap



This is what my selector rod looks like. The clip and bolt (4+8) sit in the 5th gear casing



This is mostly what the other selctor rod looks like. Only differance is where gear rod clips on. Mine has a 2 piece design with pin like BE1. Other than thats its identical.



When i look up BE1 on service box, the selector rods are different. And i cant find the seal in the last pic (No 6) listed for BE1.

Im completely confused, it seems to be BE1 with BE3 internals ? Or am i lookign at something wrong.

It will be a while before i can cofirm rpm / 70 mph. Its always felt pretty close ratio. Im tryign to get the last few parts, reverse switch, couple of seals, but cant work out what it is :wacko:



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That pic is of a BE1 16v box, not a 1.6 unless someone has swaped it over, But the selectors are BE1 or BE3 only has the notch is only to cope with the reverese being in a different place

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Thx Miles. So i have an Mi box it seems. Im not too fussed either way, id just liek to know what i have ;)


There pretty similar anyway accordign to the graphs knocking about.

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Ur a star Miles ! The worst pic in the world, and you worked it out right away. Ive been checkign on Service Box, and it all makes sense now !


Everything looks exactly as i have.


Will this just take a normal 205 Gti clutch cable for BE1 ? As i ran mine over today pushing it out of the workshop :D And broke the black plastic housing that clips into the box.

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