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Two Problems I've Tried To Cure, But Can't!

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my oil pressure gauge goes up when revving, but at 5000rpm it drops quickly and only recovers whent he revs drop. I've flushed and replaced the oil, thinking the pick-up strainer could be blocked, to no avail. Any other suggestions as to what could be wrong?


Also, the oil temp gauge doesn't work so I changed the sensor in the sump and it still doesn't work! Anything else I should try?


Any help gratefully received.



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You tried replacing the oil sender they are notoriously faulty? For the oil temp wire i'd check the brown multiplug and trace the wire back, it often gets damaged due to heat.

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No, I suppose that would be the obvious thing to try!


The oil temp actually rose to the thick mark today. Is that normal, or should it go higher?

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it can take quite a while sometimes for the oil temp to move up.


short journeys you proberbly wont see it move.

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Replace the spade connector to the oil pressure sender.

Mine used to do the same thing!

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Also check the cable to the pressure sender make sure that it is broken I have had the problem on other cars and it was the cable breaking down at certain revs and then cutting back in at lower revs.

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Tom Fenton

I'd recommend getting hold of a mechanical test gauge, that way you can find out if there is a genuine oil pressure issue or if it is just the electrics playing silly buggers.

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OK, so I trust the oil temp gauge a bit more as it moves after a long motorway trip. not much though.


ALEX is the winner of the pressure gauge contest, I didn't replace the spade connector, but cleaned the connector on the sender. It was very oxidised so I sprayed it with contact cleaner and gave it a good rub with emery cloth. Good strong oil pressure all the way up to 6000rpm now.


Thanks for all your help guys.

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OK, so I trust the oil temp gauge a bit more as it moves after a long motorway trip. not much though.


ALEX is the winner of the pressure gauge contest, I didn't replace the spade connector, but cleaned the connector on the sender. It was very oxidised so I sprayed it with contact cleaner and gave it a good rub with emery cloth. Good strong oil pressure all the way up to 6000rpm now.


Thanks for all your help guys.


Yhey! :(


I did the same thing with mine at first, using a bit of emry and WD40, Lasted about a week in the winter before it started doing it again.

That was the point where I wanted to keep all the wiring original.

Now I just hack off crappy French wiring plugs left right and centre to replace them with better insulated ones.

I'd say half the problems I've had with my 205 have been down to dodgy connectors.

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