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Mounting Rad Without The Standard Fans

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hi i am putting on my 205 gti6 slim line fans so i need to mount the rad without useing the big plastic thing that holds them in

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i ment whats the best way to mount a rad without the standard fan cowing as im putting 2 slimline fans

Edited by dean

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There are quite a few threads on here showing nifty pictures of what amount to B&Q / ironware store bracketry.


Some involve - with or without removing the lowermost shell span between the headlights - a bracket either side bolted or welded on with a cross strut to become the new lower mount for the rad. Try searching '+lowering +rad'.


What I'm doing (and I hope the description makes sense) is cutting out that shell span ONCE I've bolted in a steel 1" right angle steel (holed - like Meccano) brace between the two free holes in the bumper mounts. 2 x t-piece fence brackets will bolt to this new brace and hold 2 x tabs fitted to the sides of the rad, i.e. bottom will not be supported. The top of the rad will be fixed with an adjustable bracket (to give tilt if needed) attached to my replacement for the slam panel. But this could equally be attached to the slam panel.


Here's a doodle:




HTH - this is just my method. Note the fan fitting ENGINE SIDE, as a 'puller'.

Edited by DrSarty

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Seem to remember that idea from somewhere :)

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Tom Fenton

Fabricated stainless cross bracket.



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Some 90* plate from bnq bolted to the std cross member, i bent mine to angle the radiator slightly...




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All Praise The GTI

when dropping or tilting the rad do the standard hoses still fitt?

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when dropping or tilting the rad do the standard hoses still fitt?


The bottom one wasnt affected at all, the top was a little streched but nothing serrious..



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i can see by the picture you have put up none of these cars have gti6 engines. if any one has a gti6 engine 205 with a lowered rad i would be greatfull for any pictures thanks

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