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Mi 16 Help

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so some light questions bout an mi,


1.From these two boxes which one is the better on an mi..., 1.6 BE1, 1.9 BE1(from a bx)


2.Which bodies are best for it ?


3.Does a 1.9 8v block fit directly on an Mi Head ?( what do you have to replace )


4.Are the standard 1.6 brakes fit for an Mi ?


5. ...... as well as 1.6 driveshafts?


Still.. undecided what engine change ...


thanks for your help.

Edited by justinv

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1.From these two boxes which one is the better on an mi..., 1.6 BE1, 1.9 BE1(from a bx)


That depends if you want out and out acceleration(1.6) or or a litle refinement (1.9)


2.Which bodies are best for it ?


What are the options?


3.Does a 1.9 8v block fit directly on an Mi Head ?( what do you have to replace )


im not 100% but im sure the oil ways dont match up, but a bit of engineering and it can be made to fit, also you will need a second belt tensioner in there somewhere


4.Are the standard 1.6 brakes fit for an Mi ?


Yes but id personlay upgrade to 1.9


5. ...... as well as 1.6 driveshafts?


As above, but will require 1.9 hubs)


Hope that helps


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thanks very much





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