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3 Homeless Wires!

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I'm struggling towards the end of a 1.6 to 1.9 engine change. However, I've these 3 little fellas who appear to remain homeless.


Any ideas where they should plug too, it's a phase 1 loom which has had it's brown plug removed at some point






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they're not for the temp sensors around the thermostat are they?

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All Praise The GTI


my guess is for the fan switch in the rad, as thats a temp bodge ive done once before( only for a day tho!)

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Where are they on the loom? I suspect the rad switch...

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Mikey G

Cooling fan test plug?

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they're not for the temp sensors around the thermostat are they?


At the back of it? nope they are in place.


Where are they on the loom?


They are fully stretched and currently temp earthed to the battery tray.


All senders on the engine are attached, the gearbox two are on. I'm just left with these 3! Comparing them to my 1.9 I can't even see them anywhere!


The engine turns, has fuel but no spark which I guess is a bad earth, and nothing to do with these 3 homeless wires!

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again i would have said they would either be the rad fan test plug wires (although i'm sure they're 3 single wires), radiator fan switch or that cylindricall reisitor thing attached to front of slam panel but usually just dangling down by rad


can you get any wire mnumbers? pull back shielding slightly, that way we could tell for definite

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can you get any wire mnumbers? pull back shielding slightly, that way we could tell for definite


Ok the shielding was just black tape, so these 3 wires are actually very long single wires apart from the 2 blue ones which are attached to the same plug, they go all the way back to the loom so could go anywhere really, but the tape means they must all plug into the sameish area.


Anyway, the wires are labelled as M1, 4 and 18. From my s*ite physics teaching, the wiring diagram in the Haynes shows that these attach to


M1 - Tachymetric Relay

4 - Some how to the fuel injection ECU?

18 - Tachymetric Relay


I'm baffled to where the connectors are! Would these 3 leave me with no spark or do I still have to find a dodgy earth?




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I'll go out on a limb here and possibly make myself sound like a gimp, but they don't by any chance go to the coil do they?


Just that I'm vaguely remembering when I was disconnecting my loom many months ago (I have the old wing mounted coil) that it had 4 wires to it, and I'm sure they were those colours.

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You say its a phase 1 loom with the brown mulitplug removed, what year is the car exactly? Phase 1 cars (up to approx 1989) didn't have the brown multiplug & cars pre 87/88 ish had the tachymetric relay by the battery tray in a black box.

Anyway, the wires are labelled as M1, 4 and 18. From my s*ite physics teaching, the wiring diagram in the Haynes shows that these attach to


M1 - Tachymetric Relay

4 - Some how to the fuel injection ECU?

18 - Tachymetric Relay

M1 is an earth which going by the Haynes diagram jojns into the main battery/ chassis earth point.


18 looks to run to the injectors from the tachy relay & 4 is joined to the starter solenoid feed, tachymetric relay & ecu also looking at Haynes.



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Cheers Graham,


It's an 86, so that explains the lack of brown multiplug. So all 3 probably connect into that black box somehow, I really can't see a connector without a wire connected to it, but I'll have another look tonight and concentrate on the contents of the black box and the surrounding area/wires!


Thanks again

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It's an 86, so that explains the lack of brown multiplug. So all 3 probably connect into that black box somehow, I really can't see a connector without a wire connected to it, but I'll have another look tonight and concentrate on the contents of the black box and the surrounding area/wires!

Its a long time since I've seen an early car with the box & tachy relay by the battery tray but I think it should still have the same style of connector to the relay as the later cars inside the box.


There are two unused terminal holes on the connector with no pins on the relay but wire 18 goes to the centre pin on the phase 2 loom relay plug I've just looked at.



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I am sure I have three thin wires seemingly doing nothing in the front left corner of my engine bay too. Cant remember the colours but I have trace them back to the coolant fan switch, I would go with the test plug idea.

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Actaully yes, thinking about it on an 86 GTi the radiator fan switch has three seperate wires on it & not a formed plug like the later cars so check the back of the radiator for the sensor & see if there are any wires on it.



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The radiator has a plug connector on it's left as you look into the engine bay but that is all? The mounted fan wire disappears into wing (off the top of my head)

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In the mighty words of James May "Oh cock!"


I found this...




It had 5 terminal points, but 1 terminal was missing, I put 18 onto terminal 3 and then tried with the the other 2 either side of it. Nothing happened.


So I guessed that, terminal 4 was probably removed on later cars so put 18 onto terminal 2, with the other wires around it again, then tried it, M1 shorted at this point. Doh!


I'm sure I didn't undo these wires! Any idea how to wire this up?

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I've just seen this post by Damir with the picture below & the blue wire of yours looks just like the one going to the coil terminal.




Have you tried firing the car yet & if you have did anything happen? If its missing a spark, Steve (GLPoomobile) might've been right all along.:)



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Over on PSOOC Pugtop, helped wire the white plug up correctly but I still had a short as when I turned the key the engine turned continuously! Your picture above helped me notice I'd connected an earth to the coil :(


Still no spark and I'm no closer to figuring out why! Everything looks to be in the correct place!

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