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Wiper Botol?

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ok just done a mi16 convershion and used my k&n induction kit from the 205 but the wiper bottle is in the way!!!! i had to remove it was i figured it wasnt that importent lol.. but yeah weathers gotton bad and now i think that it was a bad idea to remove it but im glad in away since i would be driving around without a filter other wise!!


does anyone no a place i can relocate this or a smaller bottle that will fit in the gap? i basicly just attched the k&n filter bu bolting it to the AFM with the supplyed plastic bit from the 205.

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i relocated mine to the other wing




i cut the washer connector off leaving a bit of wire and extended the loom to run to the other side. i ran the extended loom through the conduit trunking that runs down and round the bottom of the front panel


theres a hole in the inner wing as standard that you can fit a bolt through iirc to secure it (dont think i drilled a new one) just put a lareish washer and nut on the otherside from up in the wheel arch



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Tom Fenton

I left mine on the same wing but moved it back hard against the strut top. This gives you that extra bit of space that just makes the difference.

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cool nice place to put it didnt think of that. i was thinking under the plastic under the window??? but that seams a better place.. got to be better than my current bodge (coke bottle filled with window wash with some tape around it to the pump lol)

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How you going to full the bottle when its under the scuttle panel :D i also had this idea but then realised the flaw...

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Mine's under the scuttle, easy to fill with a jug/hose whatever tbh, you can just see it in the top right in this pic;



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here is a picture of mine excuse the engine bay the engine is comming back out since the gearbox is duff and the headgasket is going.. needs a new throtol cable aswell since im using the 205 one and its bairly fitted compleately bodged on atm to get the car working.



Edited by pugtorque
image file size, 120k max please.

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How you going to full the bottle when its under the scuttle panel :wacko: i also had this idea but then realised the flaw...


Fitting it in the scuttle is a good plan, just cut a hole in the black plastic for the filler hole, looks totally OE. Only problem is, if you have a vacume sunroof, you cant fit it in front of the passenger, because the vacume resivoir is there and you cant fit it in front of the driver, coz the wiper motors there. So if youve got a vacume sunroof, put it behind the drivers headlight!


Get the throttle cable kit from pug, is about £20 and you cut it to length.


What gearbox is it youre after? Ive got a collection of BE1 boxes i need to get rid of.

Edited by d-9

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its a BE3 1.6 im using atm i have a spare so im lucky :wacko:.. but cheers for the offer. if you going to scrap the box's though i no someone who might be itnerested in them.

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ahh ive got a BE3 Mi16 box for sale, but want £100 for it..


Washer bottle in scuttle panel:


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um ill think about that offer as it could be worth while in the long run even if not fitted atm. ill get back to you on it when i get paid next. (2 weeks) if u still have it.

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