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Bx 16v Ecu Numbers...

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I'm just in the process of buying a chip from PeterT to match one of his inlet cams, but we're struggling to identify my ecu.


Mine is a two row, from a '89 bx, numbered 0 261 200 140 which matches this list ecu list but Peter only has 125 and 139 listed for the two row ecu (numbers which don't appear on the list on that website) can anyone clear this up for me so I can make sure it is the right chip.


Edit - After a bit more digging on that site in the link the "125" is the Peugeot Mi16 ecu number (opposed to my "140" which is a Citroen number), so the next question is, will my "140" (from an '89 BX) be the same as a "125" (listed as a '89 Mi16)





Edited by nick

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no idea if its the same sorry but the site I use to cross reference numbers gives similar info, but also gives the Management system name;


BX GTi 1.9 litre 16 Valve 87-89 Bosch Motronic ML4.1 0 261 200 119


BX GTi 1.9 litre 16 Valve 89-90 Bosch Motronic ML4.1 0 261 200 140


BX GTi 1.9 litre 16 Valve 90-93 Bosch Motronic 1.3 0 261 200 354




405 Mi16 1.9 litre 16 Valve 87-89 Bosch Motronic ML4 0 261 200 125


405 Mi16 1.9 litre 16 Valve 88-90 Bosch Motronic ML4 0 261 200 139


405 Mi16 1.9 litre 16 Valve Cat 88-92 Bosch Motronic 1.3 0 261 200 161


I don't know if the 405's ML4 is compatible with the ML4.1 of the BX though.

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pee vee

ive got a 0 261 200 355 in my car.. from a 405


3 row ecu with knock sensor but no lambda..


according to PeterTs site, the 354 and 355 ecus are the best mapped ones



EDIT: sorry forgot to put the bit that helps you!!


i'd say they would be the same mate, as im fairly sure they wouldnt of made several different wiring looms for cars of the same age..

Edited by pee vee

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Doubt it, considering the 125 is ML4, and the 140 is ML4.1

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Cheers lads, makes sense now. Still not sure what difference the .1 will make though!!



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According to Sweetbadger, my chip in the 125 box has some errors, ie code 54, although he reports the midrange is much improved as expected. He also reported the rev limit was lower than expected. My chip originated from a 139, so I'll have to buy a 125 and modify that code. As for the 140, I have no idea but I think it's definitely worth trying.


I'm happy to say the three row version is error free! The same chip has been tested in 158, 161, 354 and 355 ECU's.

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Yeah send it over mate and I'll give it a go. I can always buy a matching (to the chip) ecu if need be.



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According to Sweetbadger, my chip in the 125 box has some errors, ie code 54, although he reports the midrange is much improved as expected. He also reported the rev limit was lower than expected. My chip originated from a 139, so I'll have to buy a 125 and modify that code. As for the 140, I have no idea but I think it's definitely worth trying.


I'm happy to say the three row version is error free! The same chip has been tested in 158, 161, 354 and 355 ECU's.


Yep, when fitted to my 125 ecu I get the k-light and error code 54 although it still runs fine and there's an improvement in the mid range.


Jury is still out on the rev limit as using the 205 tacho as a reference is probably not that accurate, but the performance chip does rev-limit at the same point as my stock chip. So I've either been lucky and got myself an MI16x4 stock ecu or something is causing the performance chip to limit at the standard 7200rpm.


I'm trying to get hold of a 139 ecu at the mo but as yet have had no luck...

Edited by SweetBadger

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I'm trying to get hold of a 139 ecu at the mo but as yet have had no luck...


There was some for sale on the 405 forum.

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There was some for sale on the 405 forum.


Nice one, I'll check it out. Have you got the link for the 405 forum, can't find it from a search engine...

Edited by SweetBadger

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Anyone know why the BX had the v4.1 and the 405 had the v4, seems strange that they would be different especially as the years were the same and what if any differences there are between the ecu's?

Edited by VisaGTi16v

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Nice one, I'll check it out. Have you got the link for the 405 forum, can't find it from a search engine...


405 Forum


FYI, the Mi16x4's only had 139 ecu's. :)

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405 Forum


FYI, the Mi16x4's only had 139 ecu's. :)

No they also went 355 knocksensored at 70000000

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yars, but i meant 2rows, in relation to the fact that Peter's chip that Sweetbadger has is for a 2row. :)

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405 Forum


FYI, the Mi16x4's only had 139 ecu's. :)


Ahh, cheers, although it's not done me much good since I'm not a member and can't sign up at the mo :) . I suppose to be fair I don't own a 405!


So if I deffo don't have an MI16x4 ecu that clears up the rev limit issue and means that:


1. my rev counter works properly woo hoo! :D

2. the rev limit is still 7200 when using the performance chip in a 125 ecu (or at least mine anyway)



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I've tried all the 2 row ECUs and settles on a "125" as it felt the best to drive. I found the "140" is "fluffy" below 2500rpm and has different low speed characteristics (when you blip the throttle revs drop quickly but then from 2000rpm come down quite slowly). I would guess they're all compatible though and all of them aren't THAT different from each other. I would have thought that if you replaced the chip in any of them it would effectively be the same ECU?

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Strange that is.... I used the same "140" ecu in my last conversion and it didn't do any of the above that you mention Chris. I suppose there are a lot of variables on an engine that can make the ecu act differently in each car.



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Yea, it might even have been a dodgy ecu - not sure!? I found with the "119" (I think!) that it would stall occassionally, but I reckon the one chip will work in any of these ECUs and result in the same performance.

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I've fitted and tested my chip now, so many thanks to Peter if you're reading this.


I've only driven her once since fitting it and I've had no error codes or K light like Sweetbadger but my rev limit hasn't altered at all. Still showing roundabout 7400rpm. I can feel a slight improvement from low revs though which is good but there's still the fuel cut of on overrun.

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I've fitted and tested my chip now, so many thanks to Peter if you're reading this.


I've only driven her once since fitting it and I've had no error codes or K light like Sweetbadger but my rev limit hasn't altered at all. Still showing roundabout 7400rpm. I can feel a slight improvement from low revs though which is good but there's still the fuel cut of on overrun.


Re: my earlier comments


I've got hold of a 139 ECU, tried my chip in that and am getting the same issues. So I think there's a problem with the chip I've got...


This means that the chip may work fine with all 2 row ecus. When I get the chance I'll swap the stock 125 chip into the 139 to see whether they are interchangeable.



Kris - I thought 7400 - 7500 was the rev limit to be expected with the performance chip, so it sounds like yours is working fine.



With regards to the standard chips, I much prefer the way it drives with the 139 ecu, the fuel cut off on overrun is smoother, the engine braking slightly less and the idle quality is improved. With the 125 in slow traffic it reminded me of a well set up jettronic system but the 139 seems much smoother.

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Kris - I thought 7400 - 7500 was the rev limit to be expected with the performance chip, so it sounds like yours is working fine.
Yes but my standard 139 chip also allows 7400rpm before the rev limiter.

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Uh oh, now it's making the "k" light come on! :)

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Do you know what the code is Kris? Strange that it didn't come on straight away. How many miles since fitting?


Sounds like there's an issue with my file regarding the RPM limit. I'll get back to you.

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Set it to 10,000 to keep Kris happy :blush: Mine seems to hit at an indicated 7250rpm but I've only hit it a few times on trackdays and the other time whilst being absolutely demolished by a 911 GT2 on motorway sliproad.

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