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Thrust Bearing - Be3 Box/clutch

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Hi all


Just a quick question, just bought a new thrust bearing for my new clutch on the 205, its the BE3 box with the shaft clutch are thingy not the roller ball arm, is it right that the thrust bearing doesnt seem secure when clipped onto the arms at all, it only takes a tiny bit to pull it off again, im just quite concerned that it may come astray on the shaft when fitted


does this seem right that its not held on the arms securely at all, is it the fact that cause its permanantly resting on the clutch housing bars that it holds it in place?!


please reausure me!!


it seem to only secure on one side of the thrust bearin, the little bars come up on the bearin and a little clip that clips onto the shaft arms but there only one of these little clips?!!?


strange but hoepfully true

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the clutch release bearing is only held on buy 2 small tabs and can quite easily be pulled off the clutch fork arm if you pull it . I've just fitted one to my gearbox at the weekend.


should look like this



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i think one of the little tabs has snapped off mine as there is only one that clips onto the arms, the tab is there but doesnt have the little hook at the top that clips over the arm


if you box is still off can u take a photo of the tabs so i can check mine isnt broken, if it is ill take it back!!

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sounds like you missing one of the tabs like you said. yeah take it back get them to get a new one to compare against


sorry box went back on at the weekend :lol:

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