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A Very Strange Problem

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I have an electrical problem that i dont understand so need some techy help.


The car is a 1.9 and has been standing for a good 18 months.

~The car works fine in all forward gears, however when i put it in reverse and then lift the clutch to the biting point, as soon as the car starts to move backwards the engine cuts out and has no response to the throttle. I know this is an electrical problem as when i lift the clutch i can hear one of the 2 green boxes (relays or voltage regulator) under the bonnet making a clicking noise and if i have the lights on at the time they will cut out too.


I have concluded it is nothing to do with the reversing light (dosent work) shorting out as this is meant to come on when you select reverse rather then when the clutch is lifted.

I am really stumped and have tried everything i can think of, are there any earth points on the gearbox that could be causing a problem? or could it be a faulty rrelay or voltage regulator or something?

Any help is greatly appreciated!


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I am really stumped and have tried everything i can think of, are there any earth points on the gearbox that could be causing a problem? or could it be a faulty rrelay or voltage regulator or something?


Yes the main engine earth is on top of the gearbox; sound like a wire has worn through or corroded and is shorting or losing contact. The earth on the gearbox is on the top, under the SAD/AFM area.

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If the reversing lights aren't working you might have something else engine management related plugged into the reversing light switch on the gearbox.

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If the reversing lights aren't working you might have something else engine management related plugged into the reversing light switch on the gearbox.


Thats a good point; check that the Bosch connector on the top-front of the box is white.

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