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shooter mcgavin

Gti6 Spitting Water From Bottle

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shooter mcgavin

car has been runing now for 2 days an all seamed well untill today


now the heaters are only luke warm


the temp gauge shoots up pretty quick


and the water starts boiing in the bottle



sounds like an air lock to me but how do i blead the system?


i t'ed the bottom of the bottle into the top matrix hose as others have done but when i open the blead valve on the top matrix hose it just drains the water from the bottle?



was pretty sure i had the system well filled he 1st time

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there is a bleed port on top of stat housing, you must bleed through this. Just open that and keep filling header tank until water pours from bleed port then tighten

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shooter mcgavin

cheers :D did the trick

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