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How Do I Identify Mi16 And S16 Camshafts?

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I bought a job lot of goodies off ebay a few weeks ago, it arrived this morning, included was an Mi16 camshaft, seller thinks it was an exhaust cam from a 1.9


are there any identifying features or markings that I should look for?


from what I can tell the 1.9 uses the same cam for inlet and exhaust? as well as identical pulleys.


if it helps in identifying there were two camshaft pulleys included that are marked No2.



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speak to Damir, he's got a book which shows what the different markings on all cams mean and so u can identify which cam it is

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the s16 inlet cam has the tab for the sequential injectoin sensor on it at the vac pump end, plus a hole drilled 90deg to the bearing journal to for the oil pump feed to the vac pump.


s16's I've stripped have no.2 pulleys on both.

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ok, it has neither of those!


my intention was to send it to be reground as a stage 1 or 2 profile by PeterT to go in a 2.0 Mi16, can the Tab be fitted for the Phase sensor?

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you can tell the inlet etc by the drive for the Dizzy and exhaust cam end is plain for the Pump drive, Don;t think you can retro fit without machining, shame as I just bined a load of old 1.9 & S16 Cam's

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right the end of the cam is bare;



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Looks like an exhaust cam from a 1.9 Mi, the power steering pulley bolts to the end, as said above the inlet has a slot cut into it to key the distributors rotor.

Although saying that I haven't seen S16 cams, so don't know how similar they are.

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It could be a S2 Mi16 (XU10J4) inlet, as they don't have tangs for the vacuum pump, or oil feed holes. You need to look at the other end. If the keyway lines up with #4 cyl. lobes (sticking straight up) it's an inlet. If the key doesn't line up it's an exhaust.


You can swap the cams around if you have vernier pulleys and don't need to a dizzy.

Edited by petert

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Might be a spec change there, Every S16 or Phase 2 engine I;ve seen all have the lobe on them but we all know what Pug are like for changing things!!

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I think its safe to say that its a 1.9 Mi16 exhaust cam then!




good to hear that it can still be used as an inlet with a vernier pulley though :wacko:


onto the next question I may be able to answer myself, does the TU5 hub fit the Mi16 cam? a I already have the TU5 sprocket which does indeed match the dimensions of the Mi16 item.

Edited by welshpug

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Might be a spec change there, Every S16 or Phase 2 engine I;ve seen all have the lobe on them but we all know what Pug are like for changing things!!


Perhaps I wasn't specific enough. They all have the cam sensor tang , but if someone has pressed it off you wouldn't know what it was, unless it has the slots for the vacuum pump drive. Some do, some don't.

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