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Randomly Doesnt Kick Over

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Some mornings my 205 wont start, the ignition will turn on fine stereo starts up, battery voltage is fine but when i turn the key to fire it up the starter motor does go, it just sits there and nothing happens, its an intermittent fault though!, when i have time to check it out it annoyingly always starts first time.


After a couple of mins the starter motor will spin up and it will start without any problems at all!


im slightly confused, could it be a relay?? if so where abouts would it be?


any help is appreciated :lol:



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does it just go "click"? you probably need to replace the solenoid wire.

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yea something goes "click" in the fuse box on the passenger side but nothing happens apart from that!


Is this an easy job to replace??

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Is it the car in your sig?


if it is it'll depend on how much the wiring was wrapped up in the install and which way it was routed.


check that the terminal on the end of the wire is clean and secure, check the gearbox earth's, and the battery to shuntbox connections.

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Yea sig is my car , the engine was rebuilt at the beginning of last year and all the wires looked fresh when i had a fiddle about, i will have a look at the weekend though.


It only seems to do it on very cold mornings though, and thats all.



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Brown multi plug?

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brian j

When mine was doing that it was the ignition switch.

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sorry to drag up an old topic, but my roland garros has just started doing this, after a 45min or so drive i parked outside somebodys house for a few minutes, then it started up fine again, drove round the block to my flat, went inside for about 15mins came back and tried to start and nothing! just the click, i thought i mightve left the lights on for a second but all the interior lights were good and bright so it doesnt look like its the battery, what else can i check???

help please i need to move it soon in case i get a parking ticket !!!



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I have this problem sometimes also! Just clicks and sounds like something wants to work but itsnt. another time it will turn over straight away! anyone? solenoidwire was mentioned?



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have a search for "brown multiplug" :blush:


there are two commonly referred to in this forum, the pair under the dash (not the ones you're after, though the offending wire does go through them) and the single 7 pin brown plug that suits under the AFM (when said AFM is in its original position)

Edited by welshpug

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sorry to drag up an old topic, but my roland garros has just started doing this, after a 45min or so drive i parked outside somebodys house for a few minutes, then it started up fine again, drove round the block to my flat, went inside for about 15mins came back and tried to start and nothing! just the click, i thought i mightve left the lights on for a second but all the interior lights were good and bright so it doesnt look like its the battery, what else can i check???

help please i need to move it soon in case i get a parking ticket !!!





The little green wire might of come off the back of the starter motor, that or the gearbox earth as mentioned.


If it's the wire it won't just be intermittent, it will always do it.

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The little green wire might of come off the back of the starter motor, that or the gearbox earth as mentioned.


If it's the wire it won't just be intermittent, it will always do it.

Mine had a frayed solonoid wire just by the starter motor, it was intermittent, but predictabley bad when hot. All I got was a click.


The sleeve was damaged and when hot it didn't carry enough current.. or dumped it to dirt and oil on the wire.. anyhow, if you've got a six conversion you may not have the dreaded multiplug and wire 46 from the fuse board in glovebox will probably run directly to the starter solonoid.


Taking out the rad makes access easier and you can visually inspect the wire clean it, check how many volts your getting when the car is in the state at which you expect it not to start (hot for me) It could be an easy fix to snip off the bit you want to change and rewire it, if not you may need to replace more of the wire, which might involve unbundling the loom.


hope this helps.



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thanks a lot guys, forgot to mention its a roland garros so tu3s, any chance of a photo of what im looking for, just its parked in a public car park and i dont want to look like too much of a pilock trying to find it ;)

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my car always does this, so i just wired up a starter button instead as backup for when it dosent want to start via traditional methods... ie the key lol

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