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Td, Why Does My Battery Light Come On At High Rpm

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Car in question:- 205 GRDT 171k on the clock. badly maintained by previous owner, (until i bought it last week)




When speeding up to get on my local duel carriageway, (so im getting the revs quiet high in each gear), when i come to change gear the battery light comes on. If i change gear the car stalls and so the higher gear then has to bump start the car, or if i let off the throttle (so not to change gear) the battery light goes out and the lights on the car get brighter.

Im a little confused???

i thought it may be the alternator belt slipping, but that wouldnt account for the car dying when changing gear.


any ideas you brainy lot????




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either the alternator is knackered or the battery has a problem, give the alternator a test on a multi meter, and cheack for belt slippage.

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Check the security & condition of the engine earth lead.


Usually fitted to the end of the gearbox on the TD engine under an 11mm bolt.



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