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Gsf Cambelt Kits Any Good

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How does the quality of GSF cambelts and tensioners compare to oe pug? Bear in mind this is for a Gti-6 engine, not a good place for poor quality parts on this engine!

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I bought a cambelt kit for the mi16 from GSF and it was good quality "Gates" brand.



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last belt kit I bought from them was a Dayco+INA kit, which is what comes in a pug box if you buy it from pug.

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Fitted a Gsf kit to my 6, just before xmas, all good.

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I don't suppose any one has a part number for this kit as i could never find it on there site...

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Not off hand but any XU10J4R engine will use the same belt, so basically any 2l 406 etc

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Thanks guys. That's good as i can use my trade discount down there! :)


Can't find the part numbers either actually, all I've been told is to make sure I get the 137 tooth kit.

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it depends what the engine is currently running, I'd rather the 136 tooth belt and manual tensioner, less to go wrong.


it also shares the same kit as the 1.8 16V XU.

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yep 136 belt is better them auto tensioners are horrid

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yep 136 belt is better them auto tensioners are horrid




Have you got a halfords trade card? bloody cheap through them...

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oh, that's interesting. The bloke with the rotrex'd 306 gti-6 on the gti-6 forum says the following...



"I know a lot of members have had problems with incorrect parts being supplied when replacing the cambelt/tensioner/idler pulley.

Replacement of these parts is vital at regular intervals, and the XU10J4RS engine is somewhat prone to cambelt failure Happy


Peugeot main-dealers don't know there arse from there elbow; dont rely on them for advice Roll eyes


I will try and clear up some of the confusion.


Phase ½ cars are fitted with tensioner part no. 0829 35 (upto build code 08546). With this tensioner, a 136 tooth cambelt must be used.


This tensioner was prone to bearing failure resulting in extensive damage. Peugeot changed the design somewhere around the phase 2/3 crossover (from build code 08547).


The new revised tensioner has part number 0829 84, and must me used with the 137 tooth cambelt (due to the tensioner having a larger radius).


My advice is, regardless of your cars age/phase/build code, order the newer updated tensioner and 137 tooth belt.


This is harder than may first appear. Communicating with a Peugeot parts monkey is like trying to get blood out of a stone."




Any of this true, or total bollocks!?

Edited by oli-pug

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sounds very odd, as this cambelt snapping doesnt affect the 16v xsi, or all those 406's out there, which use the same tensioner.


infact the tensioner's design is near identical to the one used on the Mi16, the sprung loaded tensioner seems to cause more problems than not.

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