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Turbo Problems

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I've got a 300zx turbo for my 1.8 build, it was reconditioned and very cheap. Problem is i've realised the compressor housing is right in the way of the exhaust manifold. Now i know you can rotate the housing and there is also two other holes tapped for the actuator bracket to bolt into if it is rotated but they only allow approx an inch of turn (am i making sense?!?!?). I've got a feeling this turbo won't fit at all due to said problems, only thing i can think of is tap a couple of new holes for the actuator bracket to bolt to, if this is possible? If i can't do this then i'm going to rob a bank and buy a certain t16..............................................

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Anyone have any idea?

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rotate the comp housing and use a universal waste gate bracket from AET or the such. might need a new actuator too, but a damn site cheaper the the alternative ;)

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Rob Turbo

You can drill and tap some extra holes, I did on my upgraded housing because the holes were in completely the wrong place compared to the standard housing

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GT2871R it ;)

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Thanks very much for your help people, just what i wanted to hear! Sam that would be rude!

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