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Water And Oil Diagrams

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Hi i was wondering if anybody could source me a water pipe and oil diagram for my 205 1.9 gti 8v.


It is mostly the heater matrix pipes and where bouts the pipes go in the back of the black , that concerns me , but a full diagram would be helpful.


much appreciated dj

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THIS is the best place since sliced bread. Stick it in your favourites.


You didn't state the year of your 1.9 so choose one of the two options on the left, 'engine equipment' and then fill your boots.


You'll learn a great deal about your engine and how strange the French are in naming things. :lol:


Good luck.


If you're still struggling just post with more details on your motor and I'll help locate the pages you need.

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thank you so much for that , what a great site.. which engine is mine going to be other then xu (which model) its a G plate

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thank you so much for that , what a great site.. which engine is mine going to be other then xu (which model) its a G plate


No probs. But you have to learn I'm afraid by trial and error; it's a French thing!


Here's one for example: http://stuartmcguire.co.uk/pug/GB/205N/1/11C51A.HTM

and another http://stuartmcguire.co.uk/pug/GB/205N/1/11C60A.HTM


You need to recognise parts by 'playing'.


Find your engine plate (usually a metal tag O/S rear of the engine block) to establish what engine you have, and that will make category selection easier. However, you do need to explore to find a part you recognise if/when there are too many options.



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hmm, defo seems to be the first example. I will get my head around it, more than anything its just a few of the water pipes i think i will struggle to remember , but give me a hour or so, and i am sure i will get my head around it. Quite looking forward to getting on putting this new engine in.



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