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Gti Thermostat O Rings

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Following my other thread re leaking thermostat housing, I've just dismantled it and found the reason for the leak - one of the O rings had not seated properly and wasn't being clamped by the hose elbow piece. When I fitted the thermostat I used the 2 rubber O rings from an Mi16 gasket set as I had them handy - however, now I compare the Mi t'stat housing with the Gti one, the Mi one is a smaller diameter hole - the Mi O rings are a snug fit in the Mi housing but are a very loose fit in the Gti housing - hence why one moved and didn't get clamped.


Anyone have a quick answer to this? Think I may need a trip to halfords to get another t'stat with the right O rings.



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They are a different size.


Also the later thermostats use a rubber gasket which sits over the edge of the thermostat but usually a kit will have both types in.


TBH though you don't need to spend circa £10 for a full thermostat kit, the gaskets are available from GSF seperately (possibly also at Halfrauds) iirc & under a £1 each.



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