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Sound Proofing

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Hiya guys


I'm starting to strip out my CTI ready for the overhaul its having.


When i pulled back the carpet the sound proofing underneath has all cracked and is in a sorry state.


I have new carpet coming but i never thought about the sound proofing.


For the ones who have stripped out their cars to repair, did you buy new sound proofing or not bother?



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I'd be tempted to replace the soundproofing on the boot with a nice bit of varished plywood...

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I did this last summer as I knew the soundproofing was sopping wet (makes it twice as heavy and obviously encourages rust ;) ).


I bought some of this. Car soundproofing material shown at the bottom, think I got 2m x 1.37m. Just used scissors to cut it to size.


For the boot, if you want to be a bit fancy pants, lay some soundproofing down, then a sheet of plywood or MDF cut to shape, and then trim the wood with some nice carpet like the stuff in the link or some bass cabinet carpet.

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Rob Thomson

I've recently stripped my 1.6 for a quick rebuild. The sound proofing in the boot was all buggered. I wondered whether to make up a new piece or find one from a scrapper, but it turned out that a replacement from Peugeot was about £35 all in. Didn't seem much to me for a proper part that fits perfectly when compared with 1) a s*itty 2nd hand replacement that would be just as skanky, or 2) trying to make up my own replacement from the sound-proofing material you can buy elsewhere.

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Thanks guys.


My boot has no sound proofing at all. Just a thin plastic sheet which covers the metal.


As for the rest of the car i've just finished stripping out half of it (got too dark to see)


The passenger foot well and the foot well behind the driver were soaking and didn't smell to good!!


but the foot well behind the passenger was bone dry.


No major rust found which has been pleasing!!


Its already starting to dry out.


I will check out that company for the sound proofing.


£35 not bad for a peugeot part, i might get that for the boot seeing i have nothing.

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I did this last summer as I knew the soundproofing was sopping wet (makes it twice as heavy and obviously encourages rust :P ).


I bought some of this. Car soundproofing material shown at the bottom, think I got 2m x 1.37m. Just used scissors to cut it to size.



I bought my carpet underlay for my flat from them recently ;) Amazing saving compared to Carpetrite!

HHmm Im going to have some spare ;)

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How thick are they? Do you think they'd be safe under bonnet?

About 2mm. I've got several boxes of them plastered around my car, to keep the vibrations under control!


When you say under bonnet - do you actually mean the underside of it, or around the engine bay? Either way they should do the job fine, but make sure the metalwork is scrupulously clean, otherwise they won't stick very well. This is especially important on the undersie of the bonnet, as you don't want them dropping on a hot engine! They are also pretty inflexible when cold, so a bit of heat helps when fitting them (and helps the adhesive stick better).


If you don't have the luxury of heating them up in a spraybooth @80 degrees like I did :), then leave them somewhere warm in your house until you're ready for fitting, and have a hairdryer or heat gun ready to soften them up a bit more. A small roller is handy to make sure they're pressed down very well too. I use a wallpaper edge roller.


And remember that these are vibration damping pads, they aren't designed to absorb sound like the other products mentioned here B)

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Paintguy - Would a pack of the 500x250 be enough to thoroughly deaden my doors do you think? Or would i be better off with some second skin damplifier?


I'm fitting some components next week, either Focal 130kp's or Rainbow slc 230's. I've been looking at some from Cdt as well. They look very well built!

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:P Thanx I was looking for a Topic on this for while, will invest as soon as!!! B)

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Paintguy - Would a pack of the 500x250 be enough to thoroughly deaden my doors do you think? Or would i be better off with some second skin damplifier?


I'm fitting some components next week, either Focal 130kp's or Rainbow slc 230's. I've been looking at some from Cdt as well. They look very well built!

Nice choice of speakers! If they're going in the standard locations, try and beef the flimsy mountings up a bit with some MDF baffles on the back.


I would have thought one of those packs would be plenty. The SS stuff is a better product, but you'll get more bang per buck from the cheap stuff. I've got 2 layers of it over the whole of the outer skin, 3 behind the speakers, and it does a very good job of reducing vibrations and beefing up the midbass. I've also sealed the whole of the inner skin with cheap flashing tape (easier to remove should I need to get into the door) which has helped too.


There are still 2 areas that vibrate a bit though, which I need to sort out still, and you should look out for them. The rod going from the interior door handle to the mechanism could do with a bit more deadening wrapping around it, and the window mechanism rattles like a bugger! Not sure how I'm going to sort that one yet, due to the scissor design, but it drives me crazy and will definitely need fixing if my plans of 9" door speakers goes ahead ;)

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Try this stuff, dirt cheap and very good from what ive heard!






Thats the stuff I've used on my rebuild. I then used a type of multi fibre carpety stuff just so its softer underneath the original carpet.


I cant comment on the effectiveness of the actual sound deadening as the car hasn't been driven, yet :)

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Just reviving an old thread i started....


Its taken a while but i'm now ready to start putting the carpet back into the car and found this old thread i started.


Trouble is the links are now dead and it looks like the companies are no longer selling what was suggested?


I was wondering if anyone knew of anywhere else?


I search on google for abit and haven't found anything that jumps out as what was there before.


Hope you can help

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Rock Lobster

If you are after a felt kind of material to act as a carpet underlay try these two places.


I went for the coverdale stuff and to be honest it is excellent for the price. Not quite as good as OE stuff but you'll pay a fortune from the stealers! If you're in doubt i'm sure they will send you a sample.


Hope this helps mate.



https://www.btowstore.com/epages/Store_Shop...cts/"Latex Backed Felt"



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We just stripped the sound proofing out of my mates 205.


It must weigh at least 25kg (for the floor sound deadening).

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If you are after a felt kind of material to act as a carpet underlay try these two places.


I went for the coverdale stuff and to be honest it is excellent for the price. Not quite as good as OE stuff but you'll pay a fortune from the stealers! If you're in doubt i'm sure they will send you a sample.


Hope this helps mate.



https://www.btowstore.com/epages/Store_Shop...cts/"Latex Backed Felt"





Excellent thanks for that Lobster!!


Just wondering how much did you roughly need?



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Rock Lobster

I ordered 5m of the stuff which was WAY too much but I ordered without measuring first! Probably be ok with about 3m x 1.37m with some to spare.


Maybe its just me but I think its better to have too much than too little...

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