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Does This Sound Right

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Hi all, I've just bought a 1.6 GTI from fleebay

I've had 2 before years ago and seem to remember me having problems with the idle,


I know this problem is very common and usually easy to fix so when I saw the car advertised as needing a new Idle controll vale ( S.A.D I'm guessing) I thought easy fix so clicked buy it now.

Now I've spoke to the guy about collecting it he says If it cuts out at a junction when warmed up it wont start again, I've never heard of this problem before could it be more serious than just needing a new SAD ?


Sorry If this has been covered a million times I cant seem to find anything with search function. Cheers Paul

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This has been covered loads of times so have a search for cutting out and ignition topics.


It's usually ignition related, coil, leads, ignition amp etc breaking down once the car's warmed up. All easily replaced.

Edited by richsmells

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Thanks Rich, Sounds like it's not gonna be a major problem then ;)

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Ok I've found out the exact symptons, Basically it idle's bady, So I'm gonna take all the intake off, AFM, throttle body and SAD and give em good clean along with retracking the AFM and see if that sorts the idle out.


The starting problem is, It turns over fine when cold but if its warm the starter wont engage at all. The light come on the dash and the radio works ect. so I'm thinking maybe the starter motor has a dodgy connection or a bad earth point maybe just change the starter. I'll report back when It's all sorted then I can formally introduce her.

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Tom Fenton

The starter not operating properly is another 205 classic problem, I'd say everyone who has owned a couple of 205's will have experienced this at some time or another. Sometimes rewiring the "kick" wire or cleaning connections will sort it, other times a new starter motor is needed.

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The starter not operating properly is another 205 classic problem, I'd say everyone who has owned a couple of 205's will have experienced this at some time or another. Sometimes rewiring the "kick" wire or cleaning connections will sort it, other times a new starter motor is needed.


Nice one I'm off to pick it up tomorrow, So i'll get it in the garage on wed and have a good luck at it. I just hope It doesnt cut out on the way back or I dont know how i'll start it again :D

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Guest rich205
Ok I've found out the exact symptons, Basically it idle's bady, So I'm gonna take all the intake off, AFM, throttle body and SAD and give em good clean along with retracking the AFM and see if that sorts the idle out.


The starting problem is, It turns over fine when cold but if its warm the starter wont engage at all. The light come on the dash and the radio works ect. so I'm thinking maybe the starter motor has a dodgy connection or a bad earth point maybe just change the starter. I'll report back when It's all sorted then I can formally introduce her.



Regarding the idle problems, I would suggest checking that there are no air leaks after the AFM as even the smallest of leaks can seem to cause eratic idling in my experience.

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