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Atari Boy

My 1.9 Conversion, Finished At Last.

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Atari Boy

Right, at last my 1.6 has a 1.9 8 valve in it and it is fantastic. I am using a 1.6 ‘box and flywheel and it is a hoot even in the pissing rain this afternoon


I really, really could not have done it without two individuals that gave up a number of their days off and evenings to help me. You know who you are chaps, thank you so much. :lol:


I have a couple of areas that I still need some thought on.


I have fitted a 1.9 AFM but I think that it is from a cat 1.9, will this effect things adversely?


I have yet to swap the ECU’s over, it runs okay as it is, am I cutting corners by leaving it in?


Finally it idles rather badly and stalls on tick over, I know I need to adjust the dizzy but it seems bit of a black art, it just a case of trial or error or should I take it to a professional or are either of the above points to blame?





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First thing I'd do is swap the ECU and source a different AFM, the one you have is designed for a system that uses a Lambda sensor.


that I believe should go a fair way to cure the idling issues.


adjusting the dizzy really is a doddle, IIRC Damir and Sutol have covered this fairly recently, all you need is a good ear, an 11mm spanner and some juice in the tank and go and play :lol:

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Hi !


Yes it can be done on DIY basis without strobe light , and it's not a hard job :) you can find a lot info here regarding ignition timing setting also about the dizzy spring rate adjustment :








Have fun ! :)


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Atari Boy

Thanks chaps, Ashley Peddle is gone to get me the right AFM (thannks Ash) and I will swap over the ECU, the first time in my life I want small hands.

Then I will get cracking.

Edited by Atari Boy

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