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Wheel Pointing Inwards

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the other night while driveing home some idiot decided to pull out on me as i hit the bracks hard the car swayed left and right and i hit the curb hard.


now the wheel points inwards and pulls the steering to the left really badly. could i have damaged the wishbone and wheel bearing????

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the other night while driveing home some idiot decided to pull out on me as i hit the bracks hard the car swayed left and right and i hit the curb hard.


now the wheel points inwards and pulls the steering to the left really badly. could i have damaged the wishbone and wheel bearing????


Best way to determine what´s wrong must be to put yourself on the ground and have a look i would say :) . Compare the 2 sides and if it is like you describe the damage SHOULD be obvious and visible.

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Front or back?


If it's the back, you've probably bent the stub axle.


If it's the front, could be all manner of things including track rod, strut, wishbone or subframe.

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anthony could you come round and have a look??? cheers

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Tom Fenton

Take it to EJM preparation in Alcester on the industrial estate, see Edd there, has built more 205 rallycars than you can shake a stick at. He will be able to tell you what is wrong with it.

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Tom i couldent possibly drive it there its all over the road. plus my engine is in pieces at the mo because im uprateing everythink. Iv got a replacement wishbone for it that i got off my mate rich im going to change that and the track rod ends and go from there really.

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Mikey S
Take it to EJM preparation in Alcester on the industrial estate, see Edd there, has built more 205 rallycars than you can shake a stick at. He will be able to tell you what is wrong with it.



im originally from alcester and have noticed this company. they got a orange 106 track car outside the premises at the min. shame there website is not up and running yet though.


they always have a tasty selection of pugs kicking around the place. :)

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were about is it anyone got a post code? im just in the middle of putting a raceing head on and raceing cam to with groupa injecters and an fse boost vale with ported and polished throtle body. maybe they could make sure it is running correctly when it is up and running do they do that sort of stuff there??

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