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Rear Window Repair

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Hi I've been trying to find some Electro Conductive Adhesive to stick my rear heater contact plate back onto the track pad.

Any one know where I can get some for less than £40 a tube!! :) Looked ont tinterweb and it all seems to be industrial pcb repair and SM technology stuff.


Sorry to go on but with this weather I can't reverse into mi drive without getting my ed wet!


I've searched long and hard and found threads on this ace forum but the link to the post showing the answer(s) didn't work!


I've tried soldering but the track remaining is slowly dissapearing under the iron! (haven't tried LMP solder/iron tho). Got some track repair paint from halfords and thinking of baring the wires and splaying them out to hold on with the paint :D


Any ideas would be helpful. Cheers

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The answer to your question is....


Window Tab Adhesive


You have to follow the instructions very carefully or it doesnt work!


Hope this helps

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Excellent :rolleyes: ........Cheers mate just ordered some.

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Well eventually arrived but wanted to follow the instructions to the latter! SO ......

Had to wait for the temp to get well above 10 degrees to give me a chance..


Cleaned a section of heater strip with wire wool (very fine) to a shiny finish and checked conductivity across the patch with meter (just to ensure no laquer etc was covering the metalic strip).


Followed the gluing instructions and today :blush: Ice on the rear window defrosted in about a minute with the now 'toasting' rear heater ;)


Only get a small amount but it is enough and well worth it. :D

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Glad to hear it works, i was also searching for ages to find this stuff! :(

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