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Gti6 Springs Are Different Heights - Still Ok To Use You Reckon?

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I bought some standard suspension springs off a bloke who was breaking a 306 GTI6. When they turned up I noticed they were a slightly different height plus one looked original and the other almost new so I can only conclude that one snapped and had to be replaced. Many 306s have had their springs snap and I'm thinking that's what happened here. Possibly it is the correct spring but being newer than the other and manufacturing tolerances mean it's a different height. They both have the same number of coils and thickness of metal. Other difference is one stands up easier than the other - the first coil is more leveled out, for lack of a better way of putting it.

Anyway here's a pic: (yeah I've painted them now with smooth hammerite, works surpringly well, I've used it before)


Maybe the longer spring should go drivers side seeing as there's more weight that side?

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One's been used more and therefore has settled if your theory of one being newer than the other is correct, would certainly make sense i suppose! :wub:

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