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pee vee

Baker Hose Kit - 16v

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pee vee

Hi guys.


Ive been runnning my mi16 as close to the 405 cooling set up as i can with the original hose set.


got one of bakers 16v kits fitted today.. BUT


On the original 405 set up, the hose that comes off the FRONT of the thermostat housing connects to the top right of the expansion tank..

(approx 1/2" or slightly bigger I/D)


but the baker kit hose isnt big enough I/D to go over this port.. so looking on the site, it seems that hose is connected to the little metal

pipe that comes almost off the top of the thermostat housing...


is this right?? as i have just blocked the other one off now...






EDIT: Im sure the little metal pipe I now have it coming off was one of the Throttle body water pipes on the original 405 set up.. something i got rid of..

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Nip outside and take a pic please. I would be interested to have a look.





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pee vee

Excuse the state of what you can see lol. not had chance to do any tidying yet.







Miles popped up on msn yesterday and said that this is the way its done with baker hoses.

the big black pipe you can see out the front of the housing is now blocked off.

with obviously the blue pipe going back to the top of the header tank.



So all is good in 205 land again... Baker hose kits fit real well.


a lot easier to fit than samco stuff on other cars!

Edited by pee vee

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8 valve selection £155

16 valve kit £165


Great company to deal with and you'll struggle to find a bad word said about them on this forum.

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pee vee

£177 delivered for Mi16 kit..


when you compair it to Samco prices, they are pretty cheap


i remember paying £80 for 2 samco hoses for my cossie. so £165 for TEN hoses, is good IMO.



+ the top radiator hose fits properly now too.



Very quick delievery on all baker stuff. had most of the stuff they do now for my car. always turns up within 3 days of order.

Edited by pee vee

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I'll be getting a full 8v kit soon from Stu, w00t

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