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Mi16 Idle Control Valve

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Does anyone know if its ok to run the mi16 without the idle control valve plugged in? Ie. still all in place just without the electric socket plugged in?


My mi seems to idle immediately better when i unplug the control valve, doesn't stall and runs fine. With it plugged in it idles up a 2k, or too low at about 600rpm..... I haven't tried it from cold though...



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It shouldn't harm anything but I'm not sure why it would idle better.

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i don't know why either, but it definitely idles better the moment i unplug it....

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It's obviously doing something (an not complete broken, as the idle varies with it plugged in); the only thing I can thing is that it's bunged up and isn't reacting quickly enough. When 12v is applied it should snap open instantly (or shut, can't remember which way!). If you took it off and sprayed WD40 inside it and put some power to it, it may help.

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i'll give it a try. I've got a spare one, but that one just makes it idle too high, so something's obviously not right with at least one of them.....

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Check the throttle switch is closing properly when you shut the throttle. Without this the ECU doesn't know it should be using the valve to control idle speed and it will idle at about 2k.

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Where is the throttle switch (stupid question i know :rolleyes: )

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If you look on the throttle body there is the spindle, where the accelerator cable attches too, on the opposite side to this on the body is the Throttle switch. Its a black plastic job with a 3pin plug if i remember right :rolleyes:


:( hope that helps...... thought i had a pic of that area but i can't find it at the mo...

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