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Guest jarjar

Water Leak

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Guest jarjar

hiya folks


just a quick question as ive looked through the old posts and cant seem to find what im looking for !


went out to the trusty 205 this mornin to find in the night it had rained and said rain had found its way into the passenger side footwell all the water ways from under the scuttle panel seem clear as do the sunroof drains any ideas ?? because im gettin ear ache my missus doesnt like gettin wet feet !!! :)

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I really hate people who just reply with 'do a search', but seriously..........do a search :)


I bet if you search under 'leak', 'rain' or 'damp' you'll get bloody loads of results!

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  jarjar said:
hiya folks


just a quick question as ive looked through the old posts and cant seem to find what im looking for !


went out to the trusty 205 this mornin to find in the night it had rained and said rain had found its way into the passenger side footwell all the water ways from under the scuttle panel seem clear as do the sunroof drains any ideas ?? because im gettin ear ache my missus doesnt like gettin wet feet !!! :lol:



I am experiancing the same problem at the moment. the only bad thing is that my leek has found its way onto my alarm system and that is stopingmy engine from starting :D .


have a look at the bottem front window if there is a small bit of rust there it cud be makeing is way threw there i no mine is. just put a plastic bag over your fuse box other wise you will end up like me :lol:


i think to solve this problem u wil have to take the dash out find the hole then seal it with silacon.


hope that helps

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