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Piston And Head Advice.

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Can I still use this piston? :wacko:




The marks are no deeper than the writing in the casting.


Also is there anyone in my area Dorchester / Dorset can give me advice on which cylinder head I should look at rebuilding... and where to get it skimmed.



Thanks Mad.

Edited by madspikes

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ive got two block with pistons like this and will still be using them, as long as there are no filings that can come off and no other scoring on the liners it should be fine!

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Well that sound good.


Another question, a couple of the valves in the head are bent, would this have damaged the valve guides?




Mad. :)

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Hi !


Do not reuse this bent valves again under no circumstances - throw them away !!! , you will struggle to get a gas tight seal with bent valves and yes they can damage the valve guides and valve seats in the head could get concave/oval shape because of the bent valves .. if you re-use bent valves again the engine will be very noisy and hard to adjust proper valve clearance which can lead to camshaft lobe wear on the end etc. - find some good ones or buy new valves they are not so expensive :) also the valve guides , if the engine/head is old high millage it's best to replace them as well then re-cut valve seats and fit good pair of valves (new or used no matter as long as they are not bent and in good condition ..)


Regards ! :rolleyes:


Edited by DamirGTI

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No fear, I'm not going to reuse the valves as they are defo skip fodder! I'm just really asking about the valve guides themselves. I've got a couple sets of used but good valves which I'm planning on using.


All this inside the engine stuff is new to me, so I'm just trying to work out the best course of action to take with the rebuild.




Mad. :)

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If you have no history of the head having ever been rebuilt previously, for the cost of the valve guides I'd replace them.


The guides on 8v heads are well known for wearing out so if the head is off & apart then new guides are a very wise move imo.



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Just out of curiosity why is the piston so high in the liner?

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