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Guest adrian1987

Nightmare Gearbox Problem

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Guest adrian1987

I just picked up my unfinished project 205 from the garage, where i left it for them to basically finish it. All it needed was a bit of wiring reconnecting and tidying up, and the clutch cable adjusting. they basically lost interest in it, and just wanted me to take it away, so they did the bare minimum to get it moving.


before i bought it, the car had blown its 1.6 engine head gasket, and the last owner left the 1.6 box in and put the 1.9 engine in, but lost interest in the car. the garage has adjusted the clutch cable to the max, and it's still not disengaging fully, meaning i cant get it in reverse and changing gear is nearly impossible. can anyone suggest why its at its maximum adjustment and still not disengaging, when its a new clutch? also the engine runs extremely badly when cold, popping, spitting and missing, then when its warm it runs fine, exept when driving and putting the engine under load.


can anyone help with these problems, as i really want to get the car right for the weekend! :)

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Is it a BE1 gearbox (reverse next to first)? If so, check that the pin is in place between the clutch arm and pivot


Also worth checking that the gearbox is properly mounted - when the bolts come loose you can get problems like this, particularly the lower rear bolt that has a habit of falling out (threadlock it in place)

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Is it a BE1 gearbox (reverse next to first)? If so, check that the pin is in place between the clutch arm and pivot


Also on the BE1, check that the clutch arm isn't bending. If the cable required adjustment when it went in the garage, is it just stretched and needing replacement?

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The clutch arm bends on BE3's too, hence the later arm's are revised, Also worth checking that the box is bolted to the block as they can and do fall out causing the problem your having

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Guest adrian1987

thanks for the replies guys, just had it recovered back home in lincolnshire from hereford!


its a later box, with reverse under 5th, but my other 205, being an E plate has the BE1 and i had the bent arm problem on that recently.

just out of interest will the BE1 go straight into my G plate car?


i shall check the mounting for definate, as when i let off the throttle, the gearstick bangs to the right and makes a loud bang, so there's something seriously wrong with the mounting somewhere.


any suggestions why it might be popping and banging when under load? it doesnt have an air filter on it at the mo and the exhaust manifold gasket is blowing slightly, but surely this has nothing to do with it?

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Is it a BE1 gearbox (reverse next to first)? If so, check that the pin is in place between the clutch arm and pivot


very sorry to jump in on thread but what "pin" are you referring to?!

its just on both of my pugs i have the BE1 box, and one works fine, ie stick wont move further left than first until i lift the lever pulling the cable, but the other just doesnt seem to work, i have fitted a brand new cable and yet nothing happens when i pull the lever and at any time while driving i can put the stick as far left as reverse and so i could easily put it reverse while driving if i was to miss first


is there somethin wrong in the box that the cable isnt engaging properly which should stop the stick goin any further than first until i life the lever?!


sorry again to jump in

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Also check that the notch on the yellow plastic bearing is in the correct position. It had snapped off on mine a few weeks ago and I couldn't get into gear. :lol:




(pic courtesy of welshpug B))

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Guest adrian1987

i think i might be on to something now.....


just been having a good look around, will check the yellow bit in a mo, even though i dont think it has that.


theres a cable that comes out around the centre of the bulkhead near the exhaust manifold that has a plastic screw in sort of plug, and my other 205 also has this, the diffrerence being that my newer car hasnt got it connected!!i found it cable tied to the bulkhead! it screws in next to largish cable, either an earth or the reverse switch, not sure, at the top of the gearbox, and ive lifted it up, and moved the gearstick and used to the clutch to see if it moves, but it doesnt, so what is this cable for? it screws in right at the top of the bell housing so its definately clutch related.

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Guest adrian1987

well from what (very little) i can see, the yellow bearing is ok, looking at it with a lead light through the gaping rectangular hole in the bell housing. but still miffed about this random disconnected cable, that im nearly sure is causing my problem.

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i think i might be on to something now.....


just been having a good look around, will check the yellow bit in a mo, even though i dont think it has that.


theres a cable that comes out around the centre of the bulkhead near the exhaust manifold that has a plastic screw in sort of plug, and my other 205 also has this, the diffrerence being that my newer car hasnt got it connected!!i found it cable tied to the bulkhead! it screws in next to largish cable, either an earth or the reverse switch, not sure, at the top of the gearbox, and ive lifted it up, and moved the gearstick and used to the clutch to see if it moves, but it doesnt, so what is this cable for? it screws in right at the top of the bell housing so its definately clutch related.


Sounds like the lifter cable from a BE1 - probably the car has been changed from BE1 to BE3 at some point in it's life, making the cable redundant. Quite possible IMO that the wrong cable has been used - you could check the way the cable joins to the pedal - if it connects with a plastic hook, then the pedal has been changed to BE3 as it should be - if you have a pin and circlip going through the end of the pedal and cable, it still has the BE1 pedal. You can bodge this by using washers under the adjuster nuts on the cable, or get the right cable and pedal for a proper job.

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Guest adrian1987

thanks for that, really helpful......


it has a pin and circlip, so therefore has a BE1 pedal.... with a BE3 box, so you're saying i have the wrong cable fitted...... therefore not pulling my clutch far enough?


so if i was to go to a motor factors, and get the later BE3 cable, it wont fit unless i get a later pedal arrangement?

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Guest adrian1987

looks like someone has beaten me to it, theres already a nut under the adjuster nuts, which is approx 12mm deep, is this enough, or can i space it out more? it already looks like theres been a bit of stress on the cable, and i dont really want to risk it snapping

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Guest adrian1987

now i have approx. 30mm spaced out, and its nearly maxed out on adjustment, and the clutch pedal feels seriously unhealthy, and when i start the car in neutral the clutch is making a nasty squealing sound.


is there a possibility the clutch is fitted wrongly, or just the wrong clutch altogether? is there a different clutch part number for BE1s and BE3s?

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now i have approx. 30mm spaced out, and its nearly maxed out on adjustment, and the clutch pedal feels seriously unhealthy, and when i start the car in neutral the clutch is making a nasty squealing sound.


is there a possibility the clutch is fitted wrongly, or just the wrong clutch altogether? is there a different clutch part number for BE1s and BE3s?


As the conversion from BE1 to BE3 seems to have been "agricultural" I guess there's a chance that the release bearing (the only difference between the two clutches) has been adapted to fit, too- YOURS SHOULD BE LIKE THE DIRTY ONE ON THE LEFT




Only way to find this out is to drop the 'box - so I'd try and source a pedal and cable first! Be warned, most factors get the part wrong when you order! Maybe someone here has a part number they can post for you????

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Guest adrian1987

that'l be a big help thanks. I've come to the educated conclusion that this 205 i've aquired is a disaster in too many ways, so i've decided to rob the good bits off like the stainless exhaust, 4 branch manifold and leather interior, put them in my older 205 which il drive for now, and take the engine out of it, and start afresh to make the car right. the wiring loom is such a cut n shut job that i think it would be worthwhile getting a new loom, and i'l make the clutch, and cable arrangment right.


i shall keep you all up to date on my progress, but im sure il be needing more advice along the way :)

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