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Capn. Pugwash

Be1 Clutch Release Bearing

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Capn. Pugwash

Hi everyone,

I know I don't post here as often as I should (too busy hanging out on aussiefrogs :lol: ) but I need some help!

I'm replacing the gearbox on a DKZ engine (1.9 from a 1991 205- not sure if you guys have the same id engines) and the thrust bearing that came with my new valeo clutch kit is different to the one that was seized onto the input shaft of the gearbox....


I got the gearbox from a wreckers (only pay if it's a good'un :D ) and the release mechanism seems a little bit different too- the old box had a little pin that sits in a rubber cup and acts on a flat lever (outside the box) to operate the clutch fork while the new one just has a bar with a loop which is pressed onto the end of the clutch shaft that the cable connects to.


The old bearing was a valeo one and seemed to have some sort of spring to hold it onto the fork but the new one (sasic brand) is a totally different shape and just seems to sit there and flop around- surely this can't be right??

Here are a couple of pics (new bearing on the left):












Does anyone know if I have the right bearing or is there a different sort I should have??? Everyone I've spoken to seems to think it should be fine but I'm not convinced (especially as I'm putting the engine and gearbox in as 1 unit and don't want it to fall off into the bellhousing just as I'm doing up the engine mounts.........murphy's law.......)


edit: sorry for the dodgy phone pic.....

Edited by pugtorque
Image file sizes, 800 x 600 & 120k max please.

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Capn. Pugwash

partly answering my own question here, but I've just found out it's a be1 box with a be3 clutch shaft if this makes a difference!

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the fork arrangement is different in the be3 and 405 boxes sam. Not sure why... Looks like yours came from an early mi16?


And i'll be interested to see what others think. My bearing was a bit loose, but once the box is back on they can't move around. You have to be careful putting it back on though... i made that mistake - twice!

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Chris H

You need a be3 type clutch kit with the bearing that propely locates on the arm. It is only the bearing that is different between the clutch kits so evrything eles is as normal.


Its worth checking that your clutch cable is suitable or wether you need to get a be3 clutch cable as well and that also needs a different clutch pedal....although i've been told there is a cable that has the early pedal end and be3 gearbox end.

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