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[car_restoration] My Sorrento Rebuild

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They are the best pictures i have ever seen off a roof being took off :D , quick one for you how are those support bars fixed welded or bolted and do you no the length of them by any chance???



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Busy day today. I've reworked the radiator using some metal angle brackets from Wickes which I elongated and used couple of 20mm rubber grommets. These seem to hold the rad nice and tight. The engine sits about 5mm away from the rad but the engine wont move as it sits on solid mounts. Meanwhile I also sprayed the fan and cut down cowling ( I will add another fan once I've been to a scrappy) I also re-fixed the driver and passenger seats and mounted the heat shield behind the exhaust manifold.



















Edited by Edp

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While it was a nice day (shock horror) I wheeled the old girl out to refit the front bumper, red nearside inserts and Drsartys 1.9 badges. I also treated her to a polish with some super resin. :D












I also washed the Mi16 as it was looking a bit sorry for its self. Still scrubs up well.









Edited by Edp

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They are the best pictures i have ever seen off a roof being took off :D , quick one for you how are those support bars fixed welded or bolted and do you no the length of them by any chance???





No idea mate, Andy (Paintguy) who carried out the work might be able to tell you? I love that first picture too :D

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No problem, shouldnt be long before he puts a reply in and he mite say in that if not il send him a pm, Have you got any more pics of the roof being done??????

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Thanks for the pics post, very brave move and its paid off!


Serious respect for that Sorrento piece! Do you plan to drive it once its finished? or just keep it in your house and look at it? ;-) Must be near finished now?


Thats also a nice looking mi16 you have! I'm not at all jealous.

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You do realise that the tyre on the rear offside is fitted the wrong way around?

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They are the best pictures i have ever seen off a roof being took off :D , quick one for you how are those support bars fixed welded or bolted and do you no the length of them by any chance???

That isn't me in those pictures by the way, but my old boss (I've changed jobs since then). I'm much better looking :(:)


The bars were simply cut to fit, and welded in place before the old roof came off, so I couldn't really tell you how long they were.


It just gets better and better Ed!

Edited by Paintguy

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Thanks paintguy for the reply.

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You do realise that the tyre on the rear offside is fitted the wrong way around?



And the award for eagle eyes goes to Westy!


I do indeed know the tyre is fitted the wrong way round. Unfortunately when the tyre was fitted to the wheel some of the powder coat was damaged. I'm having another powder coated at the moment and that tyre is going on my new wheel. My mate put the tyre on anyway so I had a set of wheels to put the car on.


Cheers Andy! ;)

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And the award for eagle eyes goes to Westy!


I do indeed know the tyre is fitted the wrong way round. Unfortunately when the tyre was fitted to the wheel some of the powder coat was damaged. I'm having another powder coated at the moment and that tyre is going on my new wheel. My mate put the tyre on anyway so I had a set of wheels to put the car on.


Cheers Andy! :P


Ha..eagle eyes....eagle F1's....(I see what you did there)




Would love to see this up close!

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just sat and read through this whole build and its :wub: the attention to detail!!


just wondering what made you choose the avo adjustables for the rear, you've streetlines on the front I think I saw..just asking because i'm rebuilding mine, i'm at the suspension stage and I have a streetline kit (could'nt afford the challenge spec ones.. :blush: ). Miles has advised me to throw away the rears as they're useless :o so i'm thinking about using the avo's, never used them before but they look cool and are'nt too expensive!


hope I can do as nice a job as you've done here!

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Cheers for the comments Chris.


I have now bought myself a set of front Avo adjustables to compliment the rears and used the streetline fronts on my other 205. The streetline rear shocks are just plain dangerous!




Quick update,


As said new Adjustable Avos for the front, got my lambda sensor and exhaust fitting kit. I have opted for a Ashley 2 box exhaust (no pictures yet) and have cut and welded an original down pipe to suit. I also bought a set of funky orange exhaust hangers :)





I have also made up a lower engine mount using some sheet metal ( cheers Rob, you know who you are! ) some threaded rod and some thread rod extensions, it makes the lower engine mount adjustable.






I've also managed to overcome the lower left hand radiator hose problem. As the engine sits quite low in the bay the original metal pipe which connects the rear of the block to the rad would no longer be bolted in place and would flap about next to moving parts. So using a new standard hose and part of one of my BBM set I fashioned a hose to sort the obstacle. (pics aren't the best but you get the idea! :blush: )






So my next issues are to get some custom hoses made for the power steering and get my wind screen and rear glass re fitted. Wish me luck!!

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No problem mate, its a real credit to your work there! :P


I think i'm going to go for the avo adjustables myself and get some eibach springs off Miles, seems the best option for me at the minute as i've spent a small fortune on new brakes and suspension parts! :P As you've done, I can always upgrade the fronts at a later date..just out of interest, where did you buy yours? Saw them on Peter Lloyd Rallying, is that the best place?



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Think it was europerformance.co.uk at about £91 each side.


Hope that helps!

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Looking Great Edd.


I've just had to replace my keyboard (water damage) after looking at your White Mi.

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Looking Great Edd.


I've just had to replace my keyboard (water damage) after looking at your White Mi.




Its getting there, I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. The white Mi is clean and I do get loads of comments about how clean it is. I sometimes think about selling up like I said previously but all I have to do is take it for a spirited drive and I forget what I was thinking about!


I finally got round to sorting out some new power steering hoses. Had them made by Think Auto in Isleworth Middlesex. Can't recommend them enough really, I had to take part of the steering rack down so they could match up the right threads but 20 minutes and £66 lighter I walked out with these:




Having the hoses has meant I could put the steering rack back on the sub-frame, install both drive-shafts, bolt the sub-frame back on, connect all the gear linkages and finally plumb the PAS hoses in.


Unfortunately I was a bit shy with the camera today but I'll get some shots tomorrow.

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both pugs look stunning mate, i'll be happy if mine ever looks half as good as yours. Seeing this has def made me want to spend a whole load of money on my pug. :ph34r:

Keep up the good work and can't wait to see the finish article!

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missed this topic. sex wee everwhere!


loving both them cars. :lol::wub:


kinda puts my white Mi16 to shame :(

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everytime i read this topic i smaile. the car is just so stunning! the rear beam and brake pictures all put together just looks awesome, makes me sad when i see mine.


i look forward to further updates!



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Long overdue update,


So since the last update the engine is complete on its mounts, the engine and gearbox are now filled with oil. The most worrying part for me wiring and that is now complete with the help of some of you guys with teething issues with constant and switched lives! The first turn of the key was panic stricken as the engine which hadn't been run since at least 2005 when it was in its donor vehicle sprung into life, I had a water leak (forgotten to tighten a jubilee clip ;) ) and more worryingly a oil leak :)


This turned out to be one of the front engine sensors not tightened properly on its copper washer so a fairly easy fix. So apart from the two leaks and plenty of smoke from paint burning off all the shiny engine parts, the first 'start' went fairly well.


With the engine idling like it should and sounding good when revving and hearing the fairly throaty burble from the OMP Grp N exhaust all went well. It is slightly tappety but I'm putting this down to it needing a good drive.


So recently I turned my attention to tidying up the engine wiring, fitting the toad Ai606 alarm and wiring twin fans. I decided to use an existing switch in the panel with the hazard light and fog light for the fan switch to keep it looking factory fit. So using a 30 amp relay and a thermostat built into the top radiator water hose this is now complete, I will also wire my new heated front screen using a switch in the same panel. sorry about the pics, crap camera phone... I will need the 5 hole panel and fan switch to finish this off hopefully pug still stock them!




Heated screen fitted by me and my dad ;) cheers Alan M and phil for bringing it home and sorting the group buy out respectively.




So the last thing to do engine bay wise is fit the PAS and my adapted powder coated slam panel which I'm yet to pick up.






Picked up some bits today(cheers Matt) yellow driving lights, gives it that frog look and i got round to fitting the new red bumper inserts. . .










So not far to go now just little bits and bobs which I shall bore you with another day! By the way has anyone got a good condition phase 2 rear spoiler?? I loathe to buy a £200 one from peugeot!

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That is absolutely amazing!!! So much attention to detail its incredible, like a brand new car but better than when it left the factory! Well done :ph34r:

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Super Josh
I will need the 5 hole panel and fan switch to finish this off hopefully pug still stock them!


Yes they do mate :ph34r: Car's looking lovely too :)




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I`m in awe. stuning job man

looks like a standard factory model

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