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Few R1 Carb Questions

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i've asked plenty of questions before about it but not these


im fitting r1 carbs

ive got my regulators, carbs and manifold


1. do i need to keep the ecu? (im crap with electrics)

2. if no do i just leave the wires hanging under the dash or can i dispose of them?

3. could i use the throttle possition sensor on the carbs and get aftermarket management, if so how much would this cost?

4. do i still need the cold start valve, s.a.d?

5. does anybody use an inline fuel pressure gauge with thiers?

6. would i be better with braided fuel lines?

7. is the standard throttle cable long enough?


thanks in advance


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This is my take on things...


1. No.. Not if it's an 8v running a dizzy as the ECU only controlled the fuelling for the injection so totally redundant.

2. I would tie wrap them all up neatly and protect the 'live' ends from each other and tie them under the dash in case you ever had to convert it back to injection for any reason or the new owner if you ahve sold it.

3. Yes... That should work and people have used the TPS on bike carbs as the input for ignition management... Ignition only management is somewhere in the £200's usually I think. Contact Mattsav and ask about the KMS Ign only ECU... It's good value I believe.

4. No...

5. I've seen some people do it... I don't see the point if it runs ok, it's a low pressure system after all.

6. As above, it's low pressure... If the fuel lines were good enough for a high pressure injection system they are more than fine for a low pressure carb conversion... Although braided lines look nice! :wub:

7. Not sure... Suck it and see! I think most people end up using another cable though!


Hope that helps!



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r1 tps works nicely with megasquirt which can be used for spark only and leaves the doors open for a future throttle body set up, coulsd even onvert the carbs to me bodies easily enough if you wanted. Buy a new throttle cable and it should come as a 'generic kit' which is mega long and has a couple of different fitments for the cable end, one of which is perfect for the carb fitment.

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