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Head Bolts/washers Oiling ..

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Hello !


I've been reading "Erling-s" tightening instructions for cylinder head which cames with the gasket , and for some reason i misread something which was written on the bottom of the page regarding head bolts/washers oiling ..


It says :

1- Lightly lubricate the thread and the bolt seal .

2- If the bolt has been installed with a washer , oil the gap between the washer and the bolt head .

*Important : Never oil the washer surface that makes contact with the cylinder head .


However I've done this bolt washer oiling on both sides :P


Can somebody explain me why is important not to oil the washer surface on the bottom side which contacts the cylinder head ?! :( what can go wrong if it's oiled on both sides ?!


Thanks !


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it needs a dry face to ensure maximum friction to minimise risk of it working loose. TBH Ive fitted a few heads that have been oily and would no doubt of had oil on both surfaces, never had any issues with them. Dont worry about it, just stick an extra 10 degrees on final torque if you want to be double sure.

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You'll break the time/space continuum. Or perhaps to stop the washer rotating in the seat.

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Hi !


So it's not something serious to worry about :) , i will just check if all the bolts are tight enough :)


Thanks !


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*Important : Never oil the washer surface that makes contact with the cylinder head .



I dunno why thats an issue, theres loads of cars out there that have no washer, just an enlarged bolt head that needs to be oiled... That causes no problems.

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