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Starting Problems

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I'm have some intermitent starting problems, 50% of the time the car will not start and / or will cut out whilst running / driving.


Its an Mi16 on carbs with distributor, i've replace the coil, plugs, distributor, battery and leads, but to no avail.


Now i'm thinking i could be a loose / defective wire as when it cuts out the tacho needle flicks to zero.


any suggestions would be much appreciated before i remove the dash to look for faulty wires.


Cheers Matt

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Have your checked your earth connections? one of the most common starting/cutting out problems on cars this age.



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Assuming you're using an 8v dizzy and loom, my guess/experience is that it's a problem related to the timing signal wire from the dizzy, or the yellow 3-pin plug that joins it to the ignition loom.


That wire and/or connector has caused me hassle on almost every 205 GTi that I've owned, and gives the sort of symptoms that you describe - intermittent refusal to start (particularly on cold/damp mornings) with no spark, and if the wiring is broken/damaged, intermittent cutting out or losing all engine power for a split second like a violent hiccup.


Check over the wire carefully (it frequently breaks were it joins the dizzy) and clean up the pins on the yellow plug (they'll likely be corroded to hell) and see if that improves things. Next time it cuts out or won't start, try wiggling the connector and wiring on both sides of it and try again - chances are that it'll spring to life.

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I've already cheacked all the earths and cleaning just about all teh other connectors in the Engine bay, I have remove half the dash and theres some really dodgy wiring in there, some is where the alarm has been fitted, i'm going to tidy all this up and see what happens,


The 3 pin plug to the dissy is new but i will check this also.


Thanks Matt

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