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Alternator Again!

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Well after my wiring problems iv now got my alternator working its deff charging the batt now but its getting very hot very fast is this normal? Its a new / recon if that makes any diffrence as its new? any ideas :ph34r: ?


Cheers Dan

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i had problems with this recently, turned out my bat was quite flat and sitting ticking over the alt was strugling to charge.


just a thought, try charging battery full and she how she copes. if not then id exchange it for another!



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take the drive belt off and see if the alternator is easy to turn, it will get hot after a good hard run but not very quickly as you say

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It'll get surprisingly hot when it is working hard and after a good run you won't want to rest your hand on it for any length of time but it should not be smokin' hot or smell "electrical" if you know what I mean.


It should not get hot all that quickly from cold whilst just idling with a good battery and little electrical load. If it gets very hot very quickly from cold then there is a problem somewhere and the prime suspect is the alternator I'm afraid. Another possibility is the battery itself having a weak cell and thus a low voltage. This'll fool the alternator into thinking the battery is permanantly flat and it will try its hardest to charge it up, getting very hot and bothered in the process. Weak cells thoug, usually result in the battery being useless for starting the car.


Do a voltage test with a digital meter (one place they're very useful). On charge, with the engine running at say, 2500rpm, you should see a maximum of 14.4V across the battery. If it is significantly above this then the battery is being overcharged and the alternator become prime suspect.


Switch off everything and the battery voltage should almost immdiately fall down to 13.8V and over time it will fall further and come to rest at around 12.7V. If it immediately falls to under 12V then the battery is suspect.


Check too all connectins between the battery and alternator, especially the heavy earths to the body and gearbox. Don't forget the battery terminals themselves.


If all tests OK, it's just a hot alternator you've got and live with it :ph34r:

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