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Head Off Time? Issues With Cr And Mixture

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Been running a few checks on my engine, done a compression test and get the following


140, 150, 170, 140 which seem to be wildly bad across the board, coupled with the plug colour's which are clean, quite sooty, very sooty, clean. Does it seem likely theres a problem with the valves or head gasket? I know all the bores and rings looked to be mint when assembling the engine and the bottom end has no nasty noises. the head was skimmed, valves re-cut etc before fitting but on initial start up there was a bit of clatter, retarded the inlet cam a touch and it stopped. The clatter was very brief and when turning the engine by hand there was no signs of contact before attempting to start. Im thinking this is why it wont go over 1800 rpm at the moment. compression before starting was 140's across the board on a flat battery with the cam advanced.



PS, any idea what other engines have the size inlet valves as the xu10j4r? if it needs valves Im hoping to do it on the cheap and today if possible.

Edited by Richie-Van-GTi

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to me it sounds like dodgy injectors, can you try a different set?

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does the compression not seem a tad wild though? I have a couple of other injectors floating about yes.

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you got me thinking about the old drop some oil in and see if CR raises test, got me thinking what if the injectors are flooding that pot and raising the CR. So retested without injectors and sure enough all pots are now pretty equal. Waiting for chris to surface now so I can go nick his spare mi injectors. Just checked and I only have a set o 1.6's and a set of black 2.0's but one of them is missing the end cap and rubber seal.

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thats precisely what I was thinking but I was still half asleep and couldnt word my meaning :)

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no worries, you got me thinking which saved a days worth of removing parts and a few quid on head gaskets.

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^_^ what results did you get with the oil?


just wondering also what the spec of the injectors you've got is.

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I didnt do the oil test, I was just thinking how a drop of oil raises the CR so a lot of petrol would do the same. Injectors are 249cc/min , got them of egay. Might have to send them to be cleaned and tested, or sell them on and get some others. Its now got a set of standard MI's in just to get me going.

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