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Bike Carbs

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Im thinking of running a set or R1 bike carbs on my mi16 conversion but in my research have seen lots of different manifolds with the carbs sitting at varying angles (from horixontal through to near vertical).


I know on the bike that the carbs sit at a pretty steep angle and I guess logically you should try and replicate this under the bonnet to allow for correct fuel levels in the float bowl but Im pretty sure you then run into issues with clearance for the filters.


BUT if you think about it bikes are leant over hard in corners and often wheelied without problems. Does this mean that you can run the carbs at much less of an angle so that filters clear the bonnet? Do you have to reset the floats or make any other changes? Any comments/pictures of your installations would be very useful. BY the way Ill be speaking to Bogg Brothers later to get their comments





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they run fine at a level position so that they clear the bonnet, i think this is around 30 degrees to the head face. Float bowls are designed to work at a lot of angles so I wouldnt worry too much about this unless you plan to wheelie the car or do stoppies :) , you wont need to do anything to float bowls however you will probably need to re jet them. For an mi16 you want around 1-1.5 psi fuel pressure with 160 jets from weber dgas carbs which are around £8 delivered for a set of 4. You can then adjust the needle heights to 5 different positions to fine tune the fueling. Bonus with the MI is the manifold can be cut down to accomodate the carbs quite easily, just block the injector holes off. Id reccomend dont block them in a permanent fashion as you may want to switch to bodies later. The carbs can be easily used as bodies with the injectors in original placing, just take the venturi's out of the carbs and add a throttle position sensor :)

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Thanks for the prompt reply and confirming what I suspected re mounting angles. Intrigued by your comment re using the carbs as bodies by simply removing the venturis, using a TPS and inserting injectors back in manifold. Hadnt thought o fthat. I presume if you cut down an MI Manifold you need to respace the carbs? Do you just respace them on a piece of threaded bar with suitable spacers nuts etc? Do you need to do anything else?


Many thanks



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yes just respace them accordingly. If your using them as carbs still then you need to consider the fuel line betwen each carb, if using as bodies then theres no worries there, just seal a piece of copper pipe or something between them.

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