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Sunroof Drains

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I've done a search so I know where they run to but I partially dismantled the sunroof and could not see where they run from. Can someone tell me, I relaise it will probably seem obvious.





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As far as I'm aware there is a drain hole at either side. When you slide the sunroof back, look from above and in the channel there is a small hole at each front corner. It really should be quite obvious if it's there.


Unless of course you don't have a standard factory vacuum sunroof, and some aftermarket jobbie instead.

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My sunroof has a fixed handle, I am pretty sure that there is no vacuum involved.


Does this mean that it is aftermarket? I had never really considered it before.

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Does your sunroof slide back, or is it a pop-up one?


Any chance of a picture of it? Might help us to help you :(

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In my aftermarket sunroof the drains run into the rubber trim that covers the gap between the sunroof and the head lining!


When I get a little bit of crap under the glass which stops the seal from working properly it collects at least a pint before sloshing out when travelling round bends. I made the mistake of pulling the corner of the rubber trim down to check where the water was coming from - it looked like I'd pissed myself.

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My sunroof is a slider, when it feels like it.


I'll try to get a photo tomorrow.

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