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Dash Flocking

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Has anyone got any recommendations?

So far I have come up with 2:

suffolkflockingservices.co.uk - Waiting on an email reply

centralblastcleaning.co.uk Bloody expensive but supposed to be really top quality

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I was going to say Central too, but otherwise try someone like ABMotorsport, they'll know someone, or WMMS.

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Unfortunately, I am sure that ABmotorsport and WMMS are middle men and so you would pay extra.

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Well yes, they may tell you who they use though...??

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I dont know them that well, but I know a man who uses WMMS alot so its worth a try.

To be honest if i was them its not the sort of thing i would disclose!

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cbc bambury are the good, if you join the forum on turbosport.co.uk (its free) they will give you a discount

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Sorry just realised thats in your post lol, i think it is generally flocking expensive!!!

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Is there a reason to do it besides looks? :rolleyes:

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Chris H

The main reason for it is to stop glare from the dash tops, something which isn't really a problem on early dashes as its a matt finnish but probably worse on later gti's.


Its also a nice way of covering up areas where the dash has been modified around cages and for extra guages etc.

I'll try and find out were my work gets the dashes flocked.


Frost automotive do diy flock kits which seem to be ok if you have the time and patience to do it.....not as good as the cbc stuff for sure but cheaper.


You can also buy flock effect fablon too which is ideal for flat pannels...as used by works rally teams!

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