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Guest blueice

Button Plate Thing

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Guest blueice

Hi all,

I've been thinking about fitting some extra switches to my pug, for various reasons and I'm wondering if you can get a blanking plate thing with more than 3 holes. Then I could buy some extra switches and hook some other bits up to them. Does such a thing exist?


Standard one looks like this:



I've never seen more than three, it would be nice tho B)

Just as a bolt on to this post... Lotus use the same little buttons dont they? :)

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Guest TB_205GTI

Yup, you can get one with 5 holes. Thoose you do not need can be blocked with a dummy switch.

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Guest blueice

Sweet, any idea where you can get them? B)

Anyone know there proper name? :)

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Guest TB_205GTI

At the local Pug pusher..


I have one in mine d;)

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Guest blueice
Pug pusher..

lmao :)




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Guest blueice

Got a quote for the five hole dash panel... £8.93inc part number 8236E7. :D !


The switches arn't cheap either :ph34r:





REAR FOG LAMP £9.28inc

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Guest ears

what are you planning on adding to the extra switches?

the switches often break if you are trying to remove them so be careful.

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Guest Serg

you could always drill the holes. easely done if ur carful it wouldnt look too bad either. or you could keep poping down your local scrappie and seeing what they got. you should of said you were after some swithcs i was down the scappie i could of pocketed a couple wile i got my bonnet. might be going there again soon for the seats if you want.......... :ph34r:

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