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Fuel Tank Guards

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i was given a set of fuel tank guards with my 205 when i bought it, all wrapped and unused as the previous owner was planning on road rallying the car but found a different project. i have searched on peter lloyd and a few other sites, but i have not found any set like these. they appear to be steel as the pair of them together weigh over 10kg, and the material is 2mm thick. Also, unlike the sets from peter lloyd, no mounting screws or bolts were supplied, with only a few holes and a stud on each plate showing any signs of how to mount them. does anybody have a set like this or know where they could originate from? also how much they maybe worth, because if they are any use i will put them up for sale as i have no need for them



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they look like a set i have, but the mounting brackets are missing on yours rendering them not so useful!


2mm steel is pretty much as heavy as you want to go even for forest


paid 80 quid for mine fitted

Edited by 205007

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They are the same as we fitted to my mates XS. They are only cheap ~£30 on ebay.



Drill a hole in the sill for the pin to sit in, then 2 more holes and put nut and bolts through them.

You will then need to drill up through the front of the tank guards and the floor of the car and then nut and bolt it. The tricky bit is the rear as you will need to make some kind of brackets. You need to cut them to clear the exhaust bracket.

I would get pics but he is on holiday!

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Look the same as mine. At the rear I have a bracket that bolts through the corner of the DS guard and on to the bolt that fixes the strap onto the rear beam.

Fixing kit is basically a drill and some suitable nuts and bolts.



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Look the same as mine. At the rear I have a bracket that bolts through the corner of the DS guard and on to the bolt that fixes the strap onto the rear beam.

Fixing kit is basically a drill and some suitable nuts and bolts.




+ hammer :D

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