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Help With Unkown Cables

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had my car for a few weeks now and all is good but when i bought it there were a few cables not connected to anything but the car is working fine , i have a few pics to help,



cable/sensor 1 just obove the coil attched to the cable going to the distributor



these cables and connecters are my main concern,there is 2 bunches of cable, coming out from the dashinto the engine bay just below and to the right of the coolant tank not connect to anything









where they enter dask



anyone help me ? before calling an auto electrician

its a j reg 91 1.9 gti

Edited by aitchy

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Super Josh

That look like the loom from a dealer installed Pug alarm.







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If it's all working, why bother with an auto electrician?


Someone should be along with some knowledge of the wiring, but if it isn't broke don't fix it.

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If it's all working, why bother with an auto electrician?


Someone should be along with some knowledge of the wiring, but if it isn't broke don't fix it.



yeah could be an alarm or immobilser? ithe car doesnt have an alarm or immobiler fitted as the red lights on either side of the dash dont ligt up just below the two blowers at each side, i thought maybe the imob was factory fitted ans someoen has disconnected it?


it has a push start button and maybe has something to do with this ? why imob doesnt work, when i say fitted i mean i dont know if the r or not, above the drivers seat i have the light and the central locking dome which i dont have the fob for? and there are 2 alrm sensors eith side?


dont have any history as whats been done and wjhats not

Edited by aitchy

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its not standard wiring except for the one that comes out the coil plug. Not sure what thats for but its also on my mates and it doesnt do anything. All the other stuff looks like an alarm/immbiliser which also ties in with the fact you have red leds inside the car that dont do anything. Rip it out and fit a decent immobiliser.

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its not standard wiring except for the one that comes out the coil plug. Not sure what thats for but its also on my mates and it doesnt do anything. All the other stuff looks like an alarm/immbiliser which also ties in with the fact you have red leds inside the car that dont do anything. Rip it out and fit a decent immobiliser.






have red lights both sides of tjhe dash, which do not light up and there are two alarm sensors im presuming at either side of the sunroof , central locking dome and map light box

Edited by aitchy

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