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pee vee

Piston Ring End Gaps

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pee vee

Hi all.


any one know what the actual peugeot Specs are for piston ring end gaps

on a xu9j4


im going by the 'book of lies' haynes... and its saying the tolerance for

the top piston ring end gap is


0.2 - 0.45 mm


however mine are measuring 0.5mm -_-:(


the 2nd ring and the oil rings are coming in just on what the book says.

but the top ring is just that tiny bit over..


this is with the bores honed and everything ready to go basically


Is it worth using them?

Edited by pee vee

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being 0.05mm over it'll still work but is it going to affect is that much, i wouldnt say so

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its common practice to go slightly bigger on competition engines so .05 mm bigger than stock should be fine :)

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pee vee

I was thinking along the same lines TBH mate.


the engine is for use on the track, so it wont be getting used 'as designed' lol


the 2nd ring and oil rings are fine though.. literally just the first compression ring that is tiiiny bit out of spec

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