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Mad Professor

Oil Pump Pickup

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Mad Professor

Hi All.


I have been working on a mates engine striping it all down ready for a full rebuild.


As I was striping down the oil pump pickup to clean out the normal black death & wire mesh from the oil breather cap, I found a half inch nail.


Can someone please work out how the hell that found it's way inside the engine. lol

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:lol: No idea!! Never found anything like that, just the random bits/flakes of metallic crap and wire mesh!



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The remains of the plastic trapdoor from the sump baffle...

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this is what jim found in the oil pickup of the GTI-6 engine he recently got :lol:



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Hi All.


I have been working on a mates engine striping it all down ready for a full rebuild.


As I was striping down the oil pump pickup to clean out the normal black death & wire mesh from the oil breather cap, I found a half inch nail.


Can someone please work out how the hell that found it's way inside the engine. lol


theres a nail that keeps the filter together in the oil filler, if left to long im sure they fall to bits and maybe the nail fell in, i dont think they get changed that much, well mine wasn't

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pee vee
theres a nail that keeps the filter together in the oil filler, if left to long im sure they fall to bits and maybe the nail fell in, i dont think they get changed that much, well mine wasn't



are you serious -_-:(:P

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