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Green Airfilter - Wrong Size

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Bought a Green cotten air filter from gaybay the other day, it had very little detail but looked in good contion on the ad. I won it at £2.19, it's arrived and looks in great condition...But it's diamter is about 2-4mm to small to go over the AFM, what can I do?


If I can't do anything, anyone know the part number for the air filter used in the induction tutorial on the main site? I can only find a green bolt-on filter for the 205 rallye

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can you encourage it on with some Vaseline?

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All Praise The GTI

hi you might be able to get a reducer from scrotaspares,

i had the same but opposite prob, bought the biggest filter money could buy and had to get shorter adapters so it fitted and made a rubber spacer to go on afm as it was about 2cm wider!

i will have to do some pics and post as i have never seen another gti with a air filter as big... i really dont think those KnN ones are nearly big enough

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If it's a rubber/silicone neck that you trying to enlarge, you can use boiling

water to soften it up, then use two screwdriver blades to prize it open and as Hengti says some

lube to slide it on up 'er :lol:

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I'll give that ago then, I was thinking of getting some boiling water on it. Would be a shame to disgard it.


I looked for reducers but they don't seem to do anything for such a small reduction.


I've always wanted to use my lubing 'skills' :lol:


Cheer's Chaps

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What kind of reducer do you need. Rubber>Rubber i.e made of metal?

Have seen small reducers about though.

Buy saying that I've strecthed silicone hoses further then that, so I reckon

it will go :lol:

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It went on a piece of p*ss. My Dad's friend's staying with me atm. He's being a complete pain in the arse. Because it looks too long he's adament it's the wrong one and we'll have to go buy a new one, he's being a right tool. He's telling me the cause of my troubles is my air flow meter aswell, wish he'd leave me to it.


Anyway, air filter on, going to fit it tomorrow despite what he says :lol:


If I take the TB off, do I have to torque the bolts when I put them back or will a spanner do?

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