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Mike Walker

Bleeding Brakes From Hose

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Mike Walker

There was mention of being able to bleed the brakes from the hose (my bleed nipple has sheared off in the caliper) Iwas able to do it from the top end of the hose but when you try to remove the bottom end of the hose at the caliper you can't turn it too far as the hose just starts to kink.


Just wondering how you go about this.

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you have to wind/ push back the piston, unbolt caliper then crack off the caliper end of the flexi

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Mike Walker
you have to wind/ push back the piston, unbolt caliper then crack off the caliper end of the flexi


Ahh so you have to do it with caliper off, was scratching my head about this for a while!

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crack the flexi off before unbolting the caliper mind or you will struggle!

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No need to unbolt calliper realy, just loosen flexi while a mate has pressure on pedal, when pedal hits floor tighten pipe. Follow this procedure until system is bled

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Mike Walker
No need to unbolt calliper realy, just loosen flexi while a mate has pressure on pedal, when pedal hits floor tighten pipe. Follow this procedure until system is bled


I'm using a Gunson Easy bleed system that pressurises the system using a tyre, seems a lot better than the two man method actually but I still wasn't getting anything out from just loosening the flexi so ended up taking the caliper off and fully unscrewing flexi. Got fluid out then but it's still not quite right so i'm going to bleed the whole lot again.

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If your on about rears, they can be a bugger, as the handbrake mech doesnt always adjust up correctly, giving the impression of air in the lines, so just some thing to watch out for

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