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Guest ziphus

Ignition Coil & Amp

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Guest ziphus

Just got me a series 1 205 gti. She a bit of a fixxer upper, but should be great with a little work.


Anyways, I've been having some of the seemingly common (in older models at least), loss of power, hesitation ignition type problems i've read about in other posts.


I've replaced the vacuum advance and cleaned out the dizzy so that everything moves freely as these were in a bad way before. After this work she would start and run reliably but develop no power at all. Definitely hesitation as many others have described. Timing adjustments seemed to make almost no difference at all to the behaviour.


So I got out the multimeter and start testing some things with the Haynes manual and forum posts as reference. Now I'm wondering what types of voltages I should see across the Ignition coil input terminals while the ignition is on, or the car is running? I read a very old post that implied this should be around 12v as per battery output. Is that right? I'm interested as I maybe seeing only a couple of volts and hence producing very week spark.


One thing that lead me in this direction was attaching a timing light to a HT lead. When I did this I noticed that it was regularly missing a bunch of flashes in what should be a steady sequence.


I've also measured the impeadence across the coil terminals and found exceptionally low resistence. Less than the 0.8 ohms described in the manual. So i'm thinking that maybe the amp is screwed. Any thoughts?


Thanks in advance for any help.


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according to tech docs


coil - 15 and 1 - > primary resist. ducellier 0,78 - 0,86 ohms , for bosch its 0,7 to 0,94 ohm

coil 15 and 4 secondary -> ducelier 5700 - 6300 ohms, bosch -> 6750 - 9540 ohms



i believe input TO coil should be aprox. 12V - this is voltages from the ignition switch.


the "+" terminal is 15, and "-" terminal is usually 1. You can check voltage on each of them.

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Guest ziphus
according to tech docs


coil - 15 and 1 - > primary resist. ducellier 0,78 - 0,86 ohms , for bosch its 0,7 to 0,94 ohm

coil 15 and 4 secondary -> ducelier 5700 - 6300 ohms, bosch -> 6750 - 9540 ohms

i believe input TO coil should be aprox. 12V - this is voltages from the ignition switch.


the "+" terminal is 15, and "-" terminal is usually 1. You can check voltage on each of them.


Many thanks... I'll check this out and let you know. :)

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