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Fuel Problem

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hi people i keep having problems with getting fuel to my carbs when i'm driving along. it fells like its runing out of fuel even when i now theres plenty of fuel in the tank. My set up from the carbs is 45 webers, filter king, facet pump, gti fuel filter then fuel line to the tank.


any ideas?

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Is the facet getting a good earth, they are very sensitive to this and a bad earth generally makes them pump poorly.

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cheers i look into that i've earthed it of one of the threads behind the feul filter, i try a dif one.



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I had this problem with my Mi. Fitted 10mm fuel lines from tank to carbs. Cured it completly. Not sure if you get this issue with an 8v, but don't see why not.


Might not be the pump, but the pump not getting enough fuel.


Maybe tight bend or Kink in one of the lines?



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